Friedhard Meyer

Friedhard Meyer

Sobre el Artista

Friedhard Meyer,, Curriculum Vitae 1940 born in Nueremberg / Germany 1959 Graduated High School 1960 – 1965 Study at Technical University Munich 1967 Begin of Painting Activities 1971 – 1973 Artistic Education by Altschäffel in Schweinfurt since 1974 Art Information Trips to France, Spain, Italy, USA, Israel, China, India 2002 Design of the Citizen Medal for the Municipality of the Town of Bad Neustadt since 2006 member of the European artist group “Colectivo Cillero” since 1966 living in Bad Neustadt / Saale , Germany Personal Exhibitions Augsburg , Bad Neustadt , Bamberg , Berlin , Erlangen , Essen , Karlsruhe , Luxembourg , Munich , Nueremberg , Regensburg , Stuttgart , Wuerzburg Membership -- Artist Association „Form und Farbe e.V.“ , Bamberg -- „Kunstverein“ Bad Neustadt -- European artist group „Colectivo Cillero“ Public Purchasing -- „Bezirksamt“ Berlin / Neukölln -- Siemens AG Bad Neustadt -- „Kulturkreis“ Siemens Berlin -- „Bayerische Beamten Versicherungen“ Munich Literature -- „Aquarellmalerei aus Norbayern“ , Historical Museums Nueremberg -- „Schöpfungslandschaften“, Eulen Verlag , Friburg , 1986 -- „Faszination des Aquarells“ , arte-factum-Verlag , Nueremberg , 1988 -- „Indirekte Malerei“ , Palette Verlagsgesellschaft mbH , Koblenz , 2005 International Participations -- Grand Prix International de Prestige M.C.A. de Cannes-Azur 2006 and 2007 , France -- 15. Europ`ART Geneve 2006 , Switzerland -- Art Fair Salzburg 2006 , Austria -- Art Fair Reggio Emilia , 2006 and 2009, Italy -- Gallery Thuillier , Paris 2007 , France -- Art Fair Stockholm 2007 , Sveden -- Art Innsbruck 2007 , Austria -- ARTEXPO New York 2007 , USA -- Art Fair Shanghai 2008, China with gallery Artodrome, Berlin -- LDX-Gallery, Beijing 2010, China -- Group exhibitions with “Colectivo Cillero” 2007-2011 in: Madrid, Baignes, Albacete, Toledo, Hellin, Covilha, Bad Neustadt, Sintra -- Opera Gallery, Budapest 2010, Ungary -- Art Taipei 2011, Taiwan -- LDX-Gallery, Beijing 2011, China -- Art Palm Beach 2012, Florida -- Art Taipei 2012, Taiwan Awards -- First Price of the Palm Art Award 2005 , Art-Domain Gallery , Leipzig , Germany -- Médaille d`Argent , Exposition Internationale , M.C.A. , Cannes-Azur 2006 , France -- Médaille d` Or , Exposition Internationale , M.C.A. , Cannes-Azur 2007 , France -- Diplom of Honour , SEETAL-Competition 2006 , Kunst-Forum-International, Switzerland -- Diploma of Excellence, Art Now 2010, Artoteque, London