Stavro Jabra

Stavro Jabra

Sobre el Artista

STAVRO JABRA Activities: Editorial and Political Cartoonist, Caricaturist, Humorist, Photographer Président honoraire du syndicat des photographes de presse (Liban) Friend of the United Nations (F.U.N.) Member of Cartooning for Peace Member of "Cartoonists and Writers Syndicate" (U.S.). Member of "dessinateurs francophones" (France). Member of Cartoonists Fano Funny (Italy). Member of Daryl Cagle's professional cartoonists (U.S.). Member of The NOSE "Caricature Artists" (U.S.) For the last 40 years, Stavro Jabra, better known as STAVRO, has been reflecting through his work the current events in Lebanon, the Middle East and the world in general. Born February in Beirut, his success and fame were gained through his political caricatures that were published in most Lebanese newspapers. Starting 1967, his caricatures appeared in the following: Local publications: As-Sayad, L'Orient-le Jour, Az-Zamane, Samar, As-Safa, Al-Mouharer, Al-Anwar, Al-Ahrar, Sada-Lubnan, Horoscope, Flash, Chabaka. Al- Jeich, Ad-Dastour, Al-Jarida, Sketch, Al-Hasna, Le Beyroutin, Sawt wa Soura, Magazine, Al-Ousbouh al-Arabi, Al-Kifah al-Arabi, Al-Amal, Le Réveil, Ad-Dawliya, Majalati, Mondanité, Estejwab, Chronique, Nida al-Watan, The Daily Star. International publications: Der Spiegel, Jeune Afrique, Punch, Atlas World Press, l'Express, Economia, Le Monde, Il Giornale, J'Informe, Le Courrier International, Die Weltwoche, the Washington Times, The New York Times, etc… CVN Television station for the daily evening news for the period of two years. News Agencies: Associated Press (AP), Agence France Press (AFP) has published by telephotography his caricature all around the world. Stavro is the author of sixteen caricature and four photo collections. His caricature collections are exposed in Montréal at the "Bibliothèque de l'Humour" library. He has participated in countless international caricature exhibitions in Montréal, Berlin, Ancona, Athens, Gabrovo, Istanbul, Malta, Yugoslavia, France and Geneva. He was the guest of honor at the Caricature Festival in Epinal "France", in 1989, and at seven local exhibitions in Beirut in the years 1969, 1973, 1982, 1987, 1991, 1996 and 1997. His work was also exposed at the Year of the child exhibition in January 1980 at "Mairie de Paris". Stavro is also renown for his photographs and was honored as One of the best Contemporary Photographers of the Lebanese War by the French magazine "Photo". His photographs appeared in the following: Local magazines and Paris Match, Photo, Photo deutsche ausgabe, Photo Reporter. Stavro also founded in September 1983 his own monthly magazine "SCOOP" in which he had the opportunity to publish his non-political photographs. He tried to capture the beauty in this world, the charm of human beings, giving them each the Real Human dimension. A regular at most international movie festivals, especially the Cannes Festival, he has photographed the world's most famous movie stars. As a major Lebanese social figure, he has been a jury member of the Lebanese Talent Program "Studio el Fan" on the national television station "LBC" during the years 1988 and 1992. He founded the "Lebanese Press Photographers Syndicate" and performed as president emeritus of that syndicate in the year 1992. Jury member of Beirut Film Festival in October 1997. He contributed to the “Masterclass for Editorial Cartoonists” in Malta-1998. He contributed to the meeting of the Middle East working group in Istanbul-2000. Winner of the Golden Web Award 2001-2002 by I.A.W.M.D. (International Association of Web Masters and Designers). In the framework of the festival "Presse and Caricature", Stavro was honoured by Al Rowad el-Arab for the year 2002 in Cairo. He contributed to the « 5ème Rencontre Internationale du Dessin de Presse (RIDEP), in Carquefou, France-2004. In the « 3rd Media Festival », Stavro wins the 2004 Cartoon Trophy- Beirut 2004. Two illustrations of the most famous woman in the world Madonna drawing by Stavro in “Madonna in Art”, compiled by Mem Mehmet and published by Pop Art Books, London-2004. Stavro received a letter from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan - November 2004 In the 4th Arab Media Festival, Stavro wins 2006 Caricature Trophy. Beirut 2006. He contributed to the seminar and exhibition “Cartooning for peace” at the Palais des Nations Unies in Geneva, with participation of several cartoonists-March 2007. Sponsored by Human Rights Watch, the Word Organisation against Torture, the International Federation for Human Rights, Amnisty International… He was nominated "Friend of the United Nations" (FUN) during his presence to Geneva and received the blue ribbon. Winner of “The Arab Top Award of Excellence” for his website New TV (NTV) station for the daily news for the period of six years (2001-2007). He exhibits at Saint-Just le Martel (France) 125 political cartoons (September-October 2007). Stavro once again realized a power cartoons for an exhibition at the United Nations headquarters in New York, December 10, 2007. The exhibition entitled "Sketching Human Rights" illustrating the meaning of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Presently, he works for: Al Balad (Lebanese Arabic Newspaper) The Daily Star (Lebanese English Newspaper) Published books: CARICATURES STAVRO Une certaine idée des têtes politiques. 97 dessins 22,5 x 22,5 Couverture souple (1971) LA GUERRE DU PETROLE 75 dessins sur l’or noir. 24,5 x 34 Couverture souple (1974) STAVROSCOPE 1975 – 76 – 77 Plus de 500 caricatures de la vie, de la politique et des hommes. 21,5 x 17 Couverture souple (1978) STAVROSCOPE 78 Un regard perçant et ironique sur les événements et les hommes. Plus de 300 caricatures politiques. 21,5 x 17 Couverture souple (1979) DES SEINS CON LIT 54 dessins humoristiques érotiques. 14,5 x 21,5 Couverture souple (1979) LIBAN MON HUMOUR Panorama Stavroscopique de l’actualité libanaise et internationale. 300 caricatures politiques. 23 x 33 Couverture souple (1980) VIE ET MORT SANS LEGENDE (LIBAN) Sept années de guerre en photos. Un témoignage émouvant. 400 photos en noir et blanc. 23 x 27 Couverture cartonnée (1982) COLOMBES DE GUERRE (LIBAN) Des images “choc” qui ont marqué l’année 82. Plus de 100 photos en noir et blanc. 23 x 23 Couverture souple (1982) MUR DU SANG L’histoire de l’étape la plus difficile de la guerre libanaise. 116 caricatures 24 x 16,5 Couverture souple (1982) DOLLARMES Une analyse politico-socio-économique de la situation libanaise. 60 caricatures ayant pour principale vedette le billet vert. 34 x 15,5 Couverture souple (1985) STARFACE Un ouvrage qui rassemble les meilleures photos insolites réalisées sur les stars du 7 ème Art. 140 photos en noir et blanc. 22,5 x 31 Couverture souple (1987) SOURIEZ A LA SYRIE NOIRE La guerre de libération. Plus de 160 caricatures. 24 x 32,5 Couverture cartonnée (1989) SAM SUFFIT LA SYRIE La stavroscopie d’une super-puissance. 60 caricatures 24 x 21,5 Couverture cartonnée (1989) LES SAIGNEURS DE LA GUERRE La guerre du Golfe avec des jeux de mots et calembours. 91 caricatures pour 91 situations. 24 x 16,5 Couverture souple (1991) RAQUEL MADE IN LEBANON Un recueil photographique sur la vedette mexicaine Lucia Mendez. 108 photos en noir et blanc. 17 x 24 Couverture souple (1992) L'AN PIRE '92 Sa caricature contestataire, alliée à la virtuosité de ses jeux de mots, forme cette gymnastique mentale, dont se délectent les esprits les plus coriaces. 200 caricatures 17 x 24 Couverture souple (1992) YA SALAM La paix israelo-palestinienne. 116 caricatures 23 x 15,5 Couverture souple (1993) STAVRO TRAIT SPECIAL Personnalités libanaises et internationales. 134 tableaux en couleurs. 24 x 33 Couverture cartonnée (1996) FEMMES A CROQUER Croquis érotiques. 85 illustrations faites au crayon mine. 21,5 x 28 Couverture cartonnée (1997) VIVRE LEBNAN IN CARTOONS Une collection de dessins de presse sur l'actuallité libanaise de l'année 2006. 290 dessins politiques. 225 pages. 19.5 x 19.5 Couverture cartonnée (2007) website: