Sharon Worley

Sharon Worley

Sobre el Artista Sharon Worley received her Ph.D. in Aesthetics from the University of Texas. She teaches art history, humanities and English at Houston area colleges. She received her MA in Art History from Tufts University, and is the former curator of the Cape Ann Historical Museum in Gloucester MA. Her artwork is in the collection of the Houston Public Library, and she exhibits locally and nationally. Recent exhibitions include the Museum of the Americas in Miami, Florida and the Houston Public Library McKinney Branch Downtown. She is a member of the Houston artist co-op Heights Contemporary Fine Arts Gallery, Watson and Huff Galleries, the Kingwood Art Society and the Galveston Art League. She teaches at area colleges in Houston, and participates in faculty exhibitions. She is the author of numerous publications on art history, literature and culture. Her recent book Women’s Literary Salons and Political Propaganda during the Napoleonic Era: The Cradle of Patriotic Nationalism, (Edwin Mellen Press, 2009), focuses on the roles of salon women, including Germaine de Stael, in anti-Napoleonic strategies. Her forthcoming book, A Feminist Analysis of Gender and Primogeniture in Neoclassical Tragedy: the Literary Politics behind the French Revolution (Edwin Mellen Press 2012) traces the origins of French feminist theory, including that of Germaine de Stael, to the court and theatre of Louis XIV.