Brian Curtis

Brian Curtis

Sobre el Artista

EDUCATION: 1979 MFA (Painting), University of Houston, Houston, Texas 1976 BFA (Painting), BA (Art History), cum laude, Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 1985 - Present University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2013 Back to the Future: Contemporary Paintings in the Tradition of the Derrière-Garde, Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida 2012 Stonehenge Series, Apex Gallery, South Dakota College of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota 2011 Stonehenge Series, enFAMILIA Gallery, Homestead, Florida Stonehenge Series, Vandiver Gallery, Anderson University, Anderson, South Carolina 2003 Occulta Romana, Wesley Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida 2001 Recent Works, Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida INVITATIONAL EXHIBITIONS: 2012 Incognito ll, Friends of Art, Naples Museum of Art, Naples, Florida 2011 Incognito, Friends of Art, Naples Museum of Art, Naples, Florida Faculty Exhibition, CAS Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida 2009 Faculty Past and Present, Sage Center for the Arts Gallery, Hillsdale, Michigan The Vault Show, Museo Vault Gllery, Wynwood Art District, Miami, Florida JURIED EXHIBITIONS: 2012 SECAC Membership Exhibition, Durham Arts Council, Durham, North Carolina 2011 Night of a Hundred Angels, Cottage Gallery, Laguna Beach, California 7th Annual National Self-Portrait Exhibition, 33 Contemporary Gallery, Zhou B. Art Center, Chicago, Illinois 2010 MACAA/SECAC Membership Exhibition, 1708 Gallery, Richmond, Virginia 2006 MACAA/SECAC Membership Exhibition, Parthenon Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee PUBLICATIONS: 2009 DRAWING FROM OBSERVATION 2e (An Introduction to Perceptual Drawing) published byMcGraw-Hill Higher Education,New York, New York. 2009 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS, WORKSHOPS, and PUBLIC LECTURES 2012 Making is Thinking: The Importance of Direct Sensory Experience in a Digital World, presented at the 2012 SECAC Conference, in Raliegh, North Carolina Pecha Kucha participant, 2012 SECAC Conference, Raliegh, North Carolina Expressive Drawing Workshop, Arts in Action Summer Camp of enFAMiLIA Inc.,Everglades Community Association, Homestead, Florida Visiting Artist, Rio HondoCommunity College,Whittier California 2011 Panel Chair, A House Divided: Examining the Inherent Conflict Between Direct Sensory Aesthetics and Concept Driven Cultural Practice, 2011 SECAC Conference Visiting Artist, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois Two-day Drawing Workshop, Arts in Action Summer Camp of enFAMiLIA Inc., Everglades Community Association, Homestead, Florida An Ecosystem of Interruption Technologies: The Internet as a Distracting, Numbing, Mind-altering Substance, presented at the 2011 FATE Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, March 31, 2011 Deconstructing Duchamp's Disciples, paper and accompanying PowerPoint at FATE Biennial, St. Louis, Missouri A Generation Without Studio Training, Roundtable participant in discussion of "Studio Art in CAA's Next Century", at 100th CAA Conference in New York, New York Duchamp's Legacy: The De-skilling and Dematerializing Promotion of Concept Driven Cultural Practice, paper for an Open Session sponsored by FATE at the 100th CAA Conference in New York, New York, 2010 If You Open Your Mind Too Much Your Brain Will Fall Out, paper and accompanying PowerPoint for a panel titled "Thomas Kinkade in the Classroom," at SECA in Richmond, Virginia ARTICLES (online): 2012 Leonardo's Legacy: A Defense of the Educational Value of Perceptual Drawing in an Increasingly Postmodern World, Open Inquiry Archive, A peer reviewed independent journal of scholarly papers on culture, WEBPAGE: