Jason Hines

Jason Hines

Sobre el Artista

When I began my adventures in photography, I quickly fell head first into a world I never knew existed. Armed with my first DSLR, a Nikon D90, the world was made new for me. Colors became more lively, I began to see shapes and textures that I had long ceased noticing, blue skies became boring, and each day I was constantly on the lookout for the signs of a spectacular sunset to come. I enjoy all kinds of photography – Architecture, Wildlife, Urban Exploration and portrait photography. I quickly discovered however that I have a special affinity with landscape photography that is very fulfilling to me. Reguardless of the subject, the more I photograph, the more I want to photograph; the more I travel, the more I want to travel. It’s a circle that has no beginning and no end. I invite you to join my on my adventures as I bring to you a new image every day. I hope that my photography inspires you to go somewhere you have never been, to try something you haven’t tried, or that it simply helps make you smile on a day when you need it. Please check out my site at http://jasonhines.net