Thomas W Kuppler

Thomas W Kuppler

Sobre el Artista

My practice has always been concerned with the expressive painting of portraits in order to reveal deep thoughts, reflections and various sentiments. Those portraits were a reflection and mirror of myself and an alternative kind of self portrait. In relationship to this my creation of still lifes is accomplished through the use of photography. The “memento mori” immortality of a photograph lead me to my current art practice merging painting and photo , portrait and still life into one to create a new highly personalized style, which could only be described as an evolution of still life. The unconscious expression of feelings and “drive sublimation” through my artwork forced me to go a step further and abstract it to a level where the viewer needs to engage with the work and ideally ultimately use it as a cathartic outlet function and a legitimate way to participate in his own socialized daydreams.1 The engagement with the viewer is a vital necessity for me. Communicating through my work I want him to be involved in the interpretation process of the image and not simply rely on the artist’s explanation or description of the image.