linda Lowery

linda Lowery

Sobre el Artista

Linda Lowery paints portraits of newborn babies. Inspired by a picture taken of her son when he was just a few hours old, she was fascinated by his face, which clearly showed the trauma of birth from the baby’s perspective. Much has been written and described of the birthing process from the mother’s view, so Linda felt that her work could describe what a baby went through, transitioning from the comfort of the womb to the relatively harsh hospital room environment. One of her strong motivations was to recognize that babies already have a depth of experience and emotions at the moment of birth, both good and bad, and thus evoke the realization that adults might admit to their own range of experience and emotion. Her goal is not to produce a photographic likeness of these newborns but to work loosely and allow the paint and brush strokes to make a statement in the finished painting. In this way each of her works are imprinted with her own unique expressionistic style. Linda received a BFA from Ohio Wesleyan University and an MFA from George Washington University. She also studied at the University of Vienna in Vienna, Austria. Linda currently lives in Alexandria, Virginia where she maintains a studio. She shows extensively in the Washington, DC metropolitan area and is represented in many private collections.