Artist durkART

Artist durkART

Sobre el Artista

Growing up, I always wanted to be around people having a good time. If I could turn back time I would love being in the late 70's, in the alternative dance bars in Chicago, Key West, San Francisco. That's where the people met. They came to have a good time, to laugh, to dance the night away. That positive energy - The music - The lights - The sense of community: I look back on those days, my cares were few. It was, (or it seemed) to be a more peaceful time. That's my goal of my artwork, carefree, light, harmonious, music to the eyes, full of life creations. During those times there was also an undertone of sexual expressionism, which is also apparent in some of my artwork. I want to explore, using dance music of that time, to splash canvas with happy colors, and see what emerges - "That manic energy" - that's what durkART is ALL about. I've been in several galleries in the Orlando area and I have an international following. Pull up a chair check out my sites; look at my "ART". Critiques, suggestions are always welcome. And Peace, the world needs more of it.