Julie Lucus

Julie Lucus

Sobre el Artista

I feel fortunate to have worked in a creative field over the last 25 years in video production as a producer, writer, and editor. My profession has allowed me to broaden my personal sphere of creativity in many directions. It was my desire to recapture the thrill of a “truly creative experience” that urged me to experiment with new mediums oustide motion media. My goal in creating art is to delight the eye, and shock the sensibilities. And, if it can’t be beautiful, it must be provocative. Blurring boundaries, breaking rules, and compulsive experimentation occupy much of my artistic time. I use unconventional materials and concepts outside the scope of traditional art-making. I feel the process of experimentation has allowed me to grow as an artist … in many surprising directions. I’ve also learned that stagnation is far more frightening than failure.