Sherry Parker

Sherry Parker

Sobre el Artista Sherry Parker was first introduced to collage and assemblage in New York in the late Sixties where she was a player in Ray Johnson's Correspondence School. She has been (actively) working in the collage medium since 1987. Her work, which "reflects an intense response to the poetics of a life suspended between the real and the surreal" has been exhibited in galleries in New York, Pasadena, Seattle, Santa Fe, San Francisco, Berkeley, and throughout northern California. In 2010, she originated, curated, and directed a year-long project EXCOR, Revival of Exquisite Corpse, which included 34 Northern California artists who collaboratively created 50 EXCORS. Since then, EXCOR has been exhibited in Santa Rosa, Berkeley, at SOMArts in San Francisco, an invitational called "Get Lucky, the Culture of Chance." To document this revival, Parker wrote and published an 80-page limited edition book that features the history of Exquisite Corpse and the revival, and includes all 50 EXCORS. Parker spent her professional career in advertising and marketing. For two decades, she was in account management with J Walter Thompson, D'Arcy, and DDB Needham. In 1990, she founded Parker Jones Marketing Research from which she retired in 2007 to pursue art full time. Parker has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Occidental College in Los Angeles, and a graduate degree in French Literature from the Université de Lausanne, Switzerland.