Cristina Zorrilla Speer

Cristina Zorrilla Speer

Sobre el Artista

“Thirty years of being a professional artist and exploring various techniques and subjects has challenged me to further express my love for nature, beauty and peace in my paintings” Cristina Zorrilla Speer is a native Mexican artist who now lives and works in Texas. She was trained in classical restoration and conservation of antiques. Cristina has painted professionally for 25 years and has shown her work in Mexico and in various galleries in the United States. Through her work she is able to communicate her love for life, for nature and for freedom. She considers art a never-ending journey, a mirror of life and a representation of our hopes and dreams. Her goal as an artist is to convey a feeling of serenity, harmony and create a Zen-like moment for the viewer. Her challenge is to express all this in a contemporary style and to continue exploring and trying to adapt new techniques into her work.