Edward J. Moret

Edward J. Moret

Sobre el Artista

My interest in world travel and my love for the environment compelled me to paint the story of climate change and its direct impact on our civilization. This is a story about our true relationship with each other and our beautiful planet we call Earth. I feel my art communicates to us the delicate balance of nature and the importance of planetary healing in this ever changing world. My paintings reveal an expression of wonder and beauty that creates a reflection of hope for all who live on this Island Earth. My paintings have been shown internationally and acquired by many art collectors. I have taught art for many years and have lectured at many Universities and Colleges discussing my work as and artist and environmentalist. I'm an extensive world traveler with strong interest in ancient cultures. In 1986, I received a Doctor of Humanities Degree for my contribution to global harmony. "In this life, I am thankful for this opportunity to grow with my art and explore the endless possibilities of self-expression."