Sobre el Artista

I am a New York based multi-media artist who has been painting professionally since the mid-1990s. I've participated in exhibitions in London, Berlin, Tokyo, Kyoto, Barcelona, and New York. My painting style is definitively abstract expressionist. The artworks possess a tactile quality luring viewers to touch the rough surfaces. During the act of painting, I allow the painting to independently evolve rather than believe I am the one in complete control. The result is free and colorful. I am influenced by Anselm Kiefer, Jackson Pollock, Jean Du Buffet, and Terry Winters. The current focus are spirals and I have channeled the art of ancient cultures, slowly transitioning into more architecture inspired pieces. My educational background in both medicine and civil engineering has informed my art; the organic fluid quality of the spirals and the structured linear quality of the mosaics. The materials I use, mostly acrylic paint combined with course materials like pumice, garnet, and mica painted on wood, are a firm attachment to nature. For the eco-friendly art collector, these pieces can fit right in with your green collection. I am a member of the Brooklyn Working Artist Coalition and 3rd Ward. My paintings have received awards and honors from the Brooklyn Museum of Art and Barrett Art Center. I have participated in the Tribeca Open Artist Studio Tours for several years when I maintained a studio there. I was born in Trinidad. My family came to Brooklyn when I was four, and I have lived in New York City since then. I come from a very colorful background, both ethnically and culturally. Trinidad is known for it's splendid Carnival, exotic foods, and diversity. I'd like to think what is in my blood transfers into the paintings and objects I create.