Adele Bantjes

Adele Bantjes

Sobre el Artista

In kindergarten my friends complained to the teacher that I did not want to play with them but rather play with clay! The only thing that has changed is the medium I work in… I am a self taught/naïve artist. I do a low relief in paper onto canvas, and paint it in acrylics. Sometimes I add sand, tealeaves to the paint for some texture. My art takes a lot of time to make. Some of the large ones take up to a month and the smaller ones one to two weeks! It is hard work but very satisfying. I love to combine the sculptor and painter in me... All the characters in my art is happy and smiling in a make believe place that I escape to. I hope you are left with a smile on your face after looking at my art, and welcome to my world… My work has sold all over South Africa and abroad: England, Ireland, Holland, Switzerland and Belgium and many of my buyers have come back for more