Valentina Plishchina

Valentina Plishchina

Sobre el Artista I love to experiment in different media. I do jewelry, mosaic, textile art, paintings and drawings. My main inspiration comes from within. Sometimes I experiment with paint and ink on wet paper mesmerized by how it transforms to images from my thoughts, dreams and visions. My artwork embraces my heart and soul. Each piece of work is very dear to me, because it reflects my deepest thoughts and feelings. The female figures represent me, although I don't chase after facial likeness. The process of making each work is unique every time. Sometimes I carry the idea for a long time, sometimes I don't even think about it. It just seats in my subconsciousness, and when I start to paint it just flows from my brush. My artworks were published in Volume V of International Contemporary Masters 2012 . World Wide Art Books I have participated in a group Exhibition of International Contemporary Masters Vol. V. 2012 in Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art. Las Vegas.