Ne?e Akgündüz Tekin

Ne?e Akgündüz Tekin

Sobre el Artista

Jus was born in Philedelphia Manisa. Dokuz Eylül Un?vers?ty graduated from the Faculty of Education. And Anadolu Un?vers?ty Departmen of Philosophy. Member of Internat?onal Plastic Arts Association. ?stanbul Exlibris Association member. A Ward ?zmir Association of Woman "Woman and Peace " art exhibition titled special a ward Ahmet Piri?tina Org?nal Pr?nt?ng Department Compet?t?ve.(2007- ?zmir) 86-86 Artist in the Republ?c of M?xed Exh?b?t?on .(2009- ?stanbul) Izm?r has been the work of stud?o. 108/14 sok no- 11/2 Esendere / Konak IZMIR - TURKEY