Halina Domanski

Halina Domanski

Sobre el Artista

Born in Poland. My love affair with arts started in pre-school. I started painting at age six. I was studying music ,art simultaneously until age of fourteen. Graduated of Nursing Collage with honors and my name got included in a " Gold Book ". Jan.1982 I came to live in the United States. Sept.1984 I went to work as RN. I have always wanted to be an artist ,but life became challenging at this point because of this new job ,and a two month old daughter. I faced these life challenges, and create a strength that allowed me to take on any other difficult situations to follow. Also at that time I became more interested in learning about acrylic paint. So in order to understand acrylics ,I attend Yuba College art painting classes. I had workshops with : Jim Bertram ,Ann Baldwin and Judith Hale - student Helen Frankenthaler. Today I am artist , artist who is continuously discovering ,creating and enjoying art . My artwork is included in the books, magazines and newspapers .My accolades include signature membership in National Collage Society ,Inc. with headquarters in Huston, Ohio. To obtain signature status one must be accepted into three years of juried competitions. I had 119 juried competition and over 51 awards. My artwork is included in many private and important collections .