Sobre el Artista

Hey! I'm a 16 year old with a love for the fine arts. My greatest passion in life though is Photography. It all started when I first got my camera at the age of twelve at first I never thought that photography was going to be a huge impact in my life! Like a lot of people my age I wanted to play sports, but I finally decided hat sports weren't my thing and I wanted to learn how to paint,draw, and improve my photography skills. Photography to many people is the click of a button and that the camera does everything. To me it being able to see what others can't and being able to get that perfect shot. Photography is the one thing where I can be me and nobody can change it. Anywhere and everywhere I always have my camera waiting for the perfect moment to shot the right picture. I have many goals in life. One of my biggest is going to college and living my dream of being a art therapist or maybe a graphic designer. Working with kids is amazing especially kids with special needs. My second being able to take pictures of pictures of people is a lot of fun and its great to meet new people. I'm now taking senior,kid/teen,and family portraits so if anybody needs any done talk to me cause I will be glad to any time. I hope You enjoy my photography and contact me with any info you may need. Feedback is great Thanks!!