Michael Bollerud

Michael Bollerud

Sobre el Artista

Hello and welcome! My name is Michael Bollerud and I am a self-taught artist born in Fort Bragg in North Carolina on 1965. My parents are/were a HUGE influence who had myself and brother,sister (I am the oldest) involved with MANY,MANY art projects while growing up. I was gifted with the ability to create "realistic" (portraits,ect) art and by the age of 12, I was selling my artwork (portrait works). I create American Indian artwork because I am of Blackfoot blood and its where my Heart and Spirit takes me. I have in the past created works of different subject matter such as Fantasy and "Dark" (Surrealism) artwork but none gave me NEAR the satisfaction as my Indian pieces do. Its like this warm,content,..PROUD! feeling you get when things are going well in your circle. You know this feeling? I get that while I`m creating my Indian pieces but, have never on any other subject matter. So as some may say, my Spirits take me there and so, I create to try and bring this feeling to my viewers