Daniela Isache

Daniela Isache

Sobre el Artista

Original expressionist painter from Romania; Faculty of Philology from Iasi University (Romania) graduated in 1981; Private painting lessons with the famous Romanian painter Ion Neagoe; Member of the Union of Visual Artists from Romania since 1999; Member of the art workshop Stefan Luchian, Iasi, since 2004; Present in the album Un secol de arte frumoase la Iasi (A Century of Fine Arts in Iasi, ART XXI Publishing House, 2004); Present in the Art Dictionary Dictionarul ilustrat al artelor frumoase din Moldova, 1800 - 2010 (Illustrated Dictionary of Fine Arts in Moldavia, Art XXI Publishing House, 2011); The painting “Mysterious Old Man” is shown in the film Erik Zamani/ Time of the Plums, directed by Sezen Kayhan (Turkey), released in 2011; Many private and collective exhibitions in galleries from Iasi, Bucharest, Mangalia, Bacau (Romania) and Kishinev (Republic of Moldova); Numerous artworks in museums and private collections from Romania, Germany, USA and Republic of Moldova.