Christopher Priority

Christopher Priority

Sobre el Artista

I have been actively creative since my early childhood. As far back as I can remember, I have constructed worlds of my own, dabbling at many forms of expression; Collage, Diorama, Drawing, Spray Painting, etc. It wasn’t until the age of 22, I decided to pick up a paintbrush and with limited formal training, I began creating portraits in which I described as the “Post Modern Film Noir” style. Some of my pieces included, desperate people in dark places and drawings inspired by classic films. My compositions received acclaim in small circuits throughout New York City, but my heart was in film. So, I decided to sell all of my designs and moved to Hollywood, California where I worked in various art departments. I have worked on everything from Independent to mainstream films. At the time, my talents were focused on other peoples’ projects and this left me feeling uninspired and empty inside. For several years, I stopped painting altogether. Fast-Forward 15 years. I am living in New Jersey again and have reclaimed my love for art. I paint, purely as a form of expression. It offers me the window of freedom to reflect on my life and the world around me. Working with mediums such as Collage, Digital and Fine art, I have found a balance that satisfies my need to be constructive. I have seen my projects take on a life of their own. The opposition of detail and control inspires me to forge attitudes that others can experience. I sketch the base feeling that I see in the subject and filter it to a place where my vision is a distilled truth of that raw emotion. Furthermore, what I truly relish is the observer’s reaction to my finished product. Knowing that they absorb the natural sentiment I have evoked, this is extremely rewarding to me. I invite everyone to enter my world as a passionate observer of humanity and the world that encompasses him or her. Christopher Priority GALLERY EXHIBITIONS J’DA Residence,Chelsea NYC, Curator Stella Lillig June 23 2011 – July 23 2011 Group Show, HIS daughterStudio, Huntsville AL, Curator Amanda Lyle Dunn September 17 2011–October 22 2011 Onefive4gallery Group Show, Northern Soul, Hoboken NJ, Curator Cassie Opia September 19 2011 – October 16 2011 Group Show, Mac Worthington Gallery, Columbus OH, Curators Mac Worthington/Tony Boring October 1 2011 – November 1 2011 Group Show, Gallery 122 West, Arcadia Florida West, Curator Marc Washicheck October 22 2011 – December 22 2011 Group Show,NRG Gallery llc, Columbus Ohio, Curator Nicholas Gonzalez October 22 2011 – December 22 2011 4+Elements Exhibition, Prince George Ballroom, New York NY, Curator Stella Lillig November 1 2011 – December 1 2011 Art Connections 8, George Segal Gallery, Montclair NJ, Curator Teresa Rodriguez January 22 2012 – February 18 2012 Viewpoints 2012, Ben Shaun Galleries Wayne NJ, Curator Alexandra Schwartz March 26 – April 20 2012 Emotions Expressions of the Human Soul, Le Salon d’Art – New York NY, Hans Kerremans May 3 – June 2 2012 Stickem’ Up 3 -Orlando, FL September 8 2012 In wall we trust - Airola, Italy September 29 2012 1 ComboLoko -Juiz De Fora, Brazil October 15 2012 Ignorant Art III -Los Angeles, CA October 15 2012 Sticky Fingaz -Perth,Western Australia October 31 2012 Sticker Jam 2012 -Sao Paulo, Brazil November 12 2012 EVENTS Art of Fashion,Chelsea Hotel NY NY, Curator John McMullen May 24 2011 Ubushobozi Fund Raiser,Sheep Station Brooklyn NY, Event Coordinator Betsy Todd June 10 2011 Art of Fashion “Passions of Style”,Chelsea Hotel NY NY, Curator John McMullen June 29 2011 Antagonist Movement,Niagra Bar NY NY, Curator Shannon Daugherty June 30 2011 RawArtist “Illuminare”, La Pomme NY NY, Curator Dawn Walsh July 28 2011 Antagonist Movement, Niagra Bar, NY NY, Curator Shannon Daughtery October 13 2011 Art of Fashion, Peter Louis Gallery, New York NY, Curators Peter Louis, John McMullen November 11 2011 Billups Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser, 3rd & Lindsley Nashville TN, Curator Anthony Billups November 28 2011 Art of Fashion “Candy Rock Couture”, Chrystie 141, New York NY, Curator John McMullen December 16 2011 PUBLICATIONS Catapult- Mag, Issue 2, Owner/ Editor Thena Cartright The Vein, October 2011 Issue, Editor Jami Kali Art Buzz, 2012 Collection, Founder/ Director Tony Blue Catapult- Mag, Issue 8, Owner/ Editor Thena Cartright