Ivan Soukhodolski

Ivan Soukhodolski

Sobre el Artista

I began to make my artworks after my visit to the Belarusian chamber youth theatre. There was a spectacle, don’t remember as it was called. One of the scenery on stage was a gray wooden frame wrapped with thread. I remember this frame clearly. ? few days later inspiration came to me. I went to my workroom and started making frame. My first frame was not right 90 degrees-angled because I didn’t have the experience of doing such work. Then I hammered small nails across the back side of the frame and begun winding a 2mm rope between opposite nails. After that I painted the frame with thread in blue color and places where the thread was crossed I painted in orange color. As a result was a starry sky. This was my first-ever experience of making such artwork. The year was 2005. I like to do such artworks. This makes me feel joy. If I don’t feel joy, good mood and expiration I will not do an artwork. Sometimes I spend 12 hours for this artwork with only couple of 15 minute black tea pauses. Meanwhile I was born on 14th of October 1985 in Minsk, Belarus.