Jay Senetchko

Jay Senetchko

Sobre el Artista

Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Jay Senetchko now lives and works in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is a University of Alberta graduate (1997 - Bachelor of Commerce with Distinction) and spent several years as a professional soccer player in Edmonton and Montreal before pursuing entrepreneurial interests in Canada and the United States. In 2000 he moved to Vancouver and received a Diploma of Classical Animation from the Vancouver Film School in 2001. He also began painting at this time. Primarily self-taught, his painting has been strongly influenced by apprenticeships with both Gideon Flitt and Odd Nerdrum. His work has exhibited since 2002 and shown throughout North America and Europe. His side-ventures include the founding of Red Hand Design, a Vancouver design company; Conceptual Design for Streamy and Leo nominated Riese the Series; the development of a book on perspective and composition for the visual arts; and illustration and authoring a storybook. He has been teaching life-drawing, perspective, composition, and art history at Vancouver Film School since 2002, and teaching painting privately since 2003. He also currently holds independent lectures on the arts in alternating locations throughout Vancouver. Senetchko is also member of the figurative collective Phantoms in the Front Yard. Jay Senetchko’s work may be viewed on the Phantoms in the Front Yard website: www.phantomsinthefrontyard.com, and on his personal website: www.senetchko.ca.