Roberto Edmanson Harrison

Roberto Edmanson Harrison

Sobre el Artista

Master of Arts in Art & Design, Bachelor of Arts in Holistic Counselling, Associate in Art History. Born in 1966, West Hartlepool, Co.Durham, England. Originally a Fine Art style painter, with influences such as Caravaggo, Rembrandt and other masters of the period. In 1990, he switched his style completely, as a result of failing eyesight due to the years of constant fine detail & intricacy used in his earlier style of Fine Art. Today his work has a much looser feel to it and his newer style has been influenced by impressionists such as Monet, Gauguin & of course his favourite artist - Van Gogh. As well as being a talented Painter, Designer and Photographer. He is also an accomplished Sculptor In Wood, Stone & alternative media. He is a member of Fellowship of Professional & Amateur Artists, along with being a member of VAGA & ICA in the UK and indeed the American Artist Guild in the States. Rob has had numerous successful exhibitions in Ireland, England & United States. He has also contributed to joint & Group exhibitions elsewhere around Europe. Education & Experience: In 1994, Rob completed an Associate degree in Art History, which was followed in 2000 by a Bachelors degree in Holistic Counselling and finally a MA in Art & Design this year 2009. In 1999, he and his wife Sheila moved to the Isle of Man, where he commenced a new career path in Finance. He has spent the last ten years developing his knowledge of business, within the Island’s Finance and local Government Sectors. Roberto’s new Company ‘ArtworkX of Mann’ represents yet another phase in his development as an Artist and Businessman. His company is a new concept in Art Promotion and Marketing, many of his ideas drawn from his experiences as an Artist & Businessman, which means of course that, it makes him ideally placed to represent his clients, namely other Artists. Whilst it is true that, his client portfolio is made up mainly from Artists who are resident or have strong ties to the Isle of Man. He does also represent some International Artists, the numbers of which are themselves growing steadily. His Company’s new website, has a dual purpose in firstly demonstrating to the viewer the vast amounts of Artistic talent currently on the Isle of Man. Also it will afford Investors Worldwide a unique Business opportunity. In this current economic climate, it gives the investor a chance of entering into a Low - Medium risk Investment in a niche market, namely the Art’s. By being a Patron of the Arts, the Investor will simultaneously & directly contribute to the growth of the Artist as well as that of their actual investment. In addition to this, each Investor is getting the added benefit of Literally watching their investment whilst it grows. PROFESSIONAL LINKS: Interviews: Art BLOG: Manx Arts Page on FACEBOOK!/profile.php?id=100000702995721&ref=ts ArtworkX Gallery Page on FACEBOOK