vigdis elisabeth feldt

vigdis elisabeth feldt

Sobre el Artista

2024. April. Billboard At Times Square. "World Green Day". Art Tour International Magazine..2023. Desember. Best Artists in the World. , ATIM: 2023. 31. December. Time`s Square Bill Board Exhibition. "Best Artists in the World". 2023. 2023 .Summer, 2 art exibitions in New York arranged by Artifact. Represented in the book, La Boeme, editor, Kurt Ries. A poetry and art book. The International Art Prize, Pegasus. Arranger; Fransesco and Salvatore Russo. Coming November. Barcelona Art Fair.. 2023 March. Art tour international; featured master Viviana Pueblo .2023 March. Tokio Tower Art Festival. 2023. Art Tour International, Master of the year, March. Art Collectors Prize, arranged by Contemporary Art Collectors Magazine. One of the 60 winners 2023.January.. The Donatello Prize Franseco and Saverio Russo.Florenze, 2022 des . Art Tour International Magazine, Personal interview . 2022. Desember. London Prize. also; Segnalati, London Exhibition, by Fransesco and Saverio Russo . 2022. Participating in Spotlight Magazine. May / June Edition. 2022. Gallery Zero. Venice Exhibition.31 of May- 4th of June. Participating.2022. World Green Day. Participating artist. Art Tour International Magazine, International award 2022. Selected for the Art Tour International Magazine TOP 60 Masters Awards 2022. . 2022.Participating with 2 pictures at Galleria Il Collezionista`s exhibition in Rome. 2021. Publishing pictures in Biancoscuro and Spotlight magazines. 2021. Exhibiting at group exhibitions in Berlin, Wien and Munchen. Gallery Pinna, Paks gallery. 2020. Galleria il Collezionista. Group exhibition. December. April. Artportable. Web pages. 16 pictures. 2020. June. Artist of the month. Artportable.January. sales exhibition at local shop. Stavanger. 2019. Catalogue, artists` expressions between 1939- 2019. Represented. Editor; Italia in arte nel mondo. December. Best Artists 2019. Galleria il Collectionista. Christmas Exhibition. 2019. Vasari Award. Galleria Il Collectionista. (In the Vatican State) 2019. July; exhibiting with 2 works in Milano. Mona Liza special award. 2019. Autumn, I will have one picture in Professor ; Anna Fransesca Biondolollo's new book on artists own ideas behind their works. 2018. December I presented 6 works at the Picasso Award Prize arrangement in Lucca. My definition of my own works presented in Galleria il Collectionista in Febr. last year is published on the gallerie's presentasjon page. ( I suggest viewer wanting to have a look at my pictures or add other information; go to FB, Linkedin; Google +, ; Google pictures; You Tube; Gallleria Il Collectionista; Mostra Personale di Vigdis Elisabeth Feldt. You tube; Galleria 360, Florenze, exhibition; "Extazi". still pictures from my exhibition in Rome can be found on the net. Use the seacher motor on Internet! Thank you!) 2018, august, september, one month Separate Exhibition at Frida Hansen House, Stavanger. 2018. Exhibited at Galleria il Collectionista, from 2 of February till the 15th. Artes TV presentation. Rome, You Tube. Director Roberto Guilliano and administrator, Gabriel Guilliano. A great experience. Presentation by exellent dr. in arte history, Elena Grandini .After the solo exhibition iI was invited for 2 picture showings at Contemporary Art gallery Rosso Canebro near Villa Borghese. Also a recognition which I highly appreciated. In October 2018 I had my own 2 works book published at Frankfurter Buchmesse., Title; Cromatic Masters of Frankfurt Arranger; Studio Byblos. Also , 30 pictures, critiques, and cv is presented in the digital and paper edition, title; My artistic dairy, and was published on the 31 of august 2018. I have also had the honour of being invited to exhibit at Pak`s Galleries, who arranges exhibitions all over Europe, among other places, Cannes at the Riviera. Galleri Zero in Berlin, who arranges art exhibitions in New York, Spain , Shanghai and othe centers of great artistic activities in the world. Sometimes they express selection processes, and sometimes exhibitions are open invitations. Also Effetto Arte Magazine, with scholars and administrators such as Sandro Serafielli, and mr. Levi has invited me to exhibit at a great event in Palermo this summer. Palermo is European Cultural City of 2018. It is Liquid and gallerist Adelina Allegretti has also invited me to give a personal exhibition at one of her galleries. Many more exhibitors have come to my door, I am greatfull for their enthusiasme and appreciations. Also art magazines have offered me space for picture presentation and critiques. The last 2 years I have been a member of Sola Atelier , at Sola, by Stavanger. Great artists paint there. I have also been priveleged with the work of finding good lecturers to inspire us on Icon painting, and absrtract painting, mm. 2017. Last year I won many prizes. I was invited to many exhibitions around the world, South Korea. Canada, New York. Paris. Milano . Also I was invited to present my pictures in magazines and in books. Indeed; I had 4 pages and four pictures in Professor Anna Fransesca Bondolillos book on "Emotions in Art". Received on the 23th of December 2016. In 2017 I will be presented in a new book by the same author. 2017 Desember I will have a Solo Exhibition In Rome , near the Spanish Stairs and Fontena del Trevi. Preparing for the exhibition now. I received the 2016 .Selected for the "Best Contemporaries 2016". Editors; Salvatore Russo and Fransesco Salvatore Russo. 2016. Selected and won the the prize Golden Palm in Monaco this autumn. I am very grateful to be invited or selected for exhibition purposes in the Western part of the world , frequently. 2016. selected for exposing in Catalogo d'arte internationale Celebrativo. Ommagio a Rembrandt 1606-2016. 2016. Selected for the Socio Nomination Honorary of ArtTemplar award plague. Only 30 artists from around the world. selected. 2016. Selected for the International Prize Colosseo. 26. mars..Invitation from Fransesco Saverio Russo. 2016. Received The Da Vinci Prize. Invitation from Fransesco Saverio Russo.Represented with one page in Fransesco Saverio`s Magazine. Contemporary Art.(In English). 2016. Selected for The Prize Tiepolo.. Arte Milano. 11. mars. Invitation from Fransesco Saverio Russo. 2015. Selected for the International Noto Award. Unesco Heritage. Arranger the Effetto Arte Magazine and the Brothers Russo. 4 -27 December. 2015.Selected for PAKS Galleries Europa. 2015.the Michelangelo Prize. the brothers Russo and Effetto Arte art magazine 2015. Carousel du Louvre. Saloon Art shopping. June 12. to 14th. Exhibition in cooperation with the Effetto Arte Magazine. 2015. The Mazzullo Prize, Related exhibition in Taormina. Palace Duche of Santo Stefano. July 10th.-19th. 2015. In cooperation with the Effetto Arte Magazine. 2015.The Sandro Botticelli Prize. Receiving in Marsh 2015 in Florenze. Responsible Fransesco Salvatore Russo and Salvatore Russo. 2014. Selected for Biennale of Creativity.. 2015. Selected for Biennale of Palermo 2014.Selected for the exhibition, Munch and the Fjords in Genova. 2014. Selected for the Effetto Arte Magazine November and Desember. 2014. Selected for The Effetto Arte, art magazine, Marsh and April edition, and a page in the book; The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists 2014, by Salvatore and Fransesco Saverio Russo. Will be released on 16th of April 2014. 2014. Selected for the Effetto Arte, art magazine, May and June edition, one page. Title: The new heirs of Rembrandt and Pollock. . 2013. Biennale of Palermo. 2012. Separate exhibition Cremona, February. Galleria Immagini, Dino Cessoni. 2013..Group exhibition galleria 360, Ex-stasi, oktober. 2012.Selected for Marzia Frozen Galleries, Natural selection, 2012.In the Name of Figuration, Palermo, October. 5 pages, 5 editions, Effetto Arte magazine. Presented in Basac Malone's New Collectors Book 2013. Represent in the book;" from Surrealisme to Sensitive Informale." Invited to participate in many artbooks on contemporary arte. Also invitert to exhibit in Berlin, Paris and Manhatten,and towns in Middle Europe. New York and Istanbul. 2011. Participating at the Biennale of Florenze. 2009. Selected for Biennale of Florenze. 2008. Participating Biennale of Liverpool. Before 2008 I gave local exhibitions in the Stavanger area.