Nataliya Gaus

Nataliya Gaus

Sobre el Artista

Nataliya Gaus Born in Ufa, Russia, in 1983, since 2008 living in Prague, Czech Republic. Currently studying her PhD. programme in architecture at the Czech Technical University in Prague and working as an interior designer. Some of her oil and pastel paintings inspired mostly by nature and simple forms and colours are in private collections in the Czech Republic and Russia. e-mail: instagram:art_gaus Personal exhibition 03-10.2015 Hub / (Prague) 02-03.2015 Potrva / (Prague) 12.2014 Kahvisalonki / (Tampere, Finland) 12.2014-02.2015 Decada (together with Elena Ralina)/ (Prague) 10. 2014 Friends Coffee House / (Prague) 08. 2014 Gallery Vyton (together with Alexi Goubarev)/ (Prague) 08-09.2014 Gallery DOOKA / (Prague) 7-8.2013 Friends Coffee House / (Prague) Group exhibition 7-9.2016 NOD / (Prague) 7-8.2015 NOD / (Prague) 03-04.2015 Gallery Julio Cortazar / (Prague) 11.2014-1.2015 Cafe Vedle / (Prague) 11. 2014 The Russian Cultural Centre / (Prague) 09. 2014 Gallery Vyton 07-08. 2014 Gallery Arsdiva / (Prague) 07. 2014 Castle Chvaly / (Prague) 06-08. 2014 Gallery Domino / (Prague) 05. 2014 Gallery U ZLATÉHO KOHOUTA / (Prague) 2014 ArtExpoSPb 2014 / (Russia) 2014 IX. Mezinárodní bienále kresby Plzeň 2014 STARTinART / (Russia) 2013 Centro-Periferia / (Itali)