Paola Guerra

Paola Guerra

Sobre el Artista

I was Born in Gorizia (Italy) on 1964,and I live and work in Udine(Italy). In all my artworks I express what I feel inside me,I put out my inner , but also I express my interests,my ideas, theories, ecc....I didn't attend art schools, I painted my two firts painting when I was 8 years old,I've always drawn in every free moment, I attended some art courses and on september 2012 I attended the Workshop of two weeks " Art,Reality, Identification" at the Academy of fine Arts and Design of Ljubljana. I exphoned in my region , in the principal italian cities as Roma , Milano , Firenze , Torino, Bologna ,Palermo, Catania , Treviso and abroad in New York three times, Miami, London , Oslo , Wien , Graz, Ljubljana , I was selected finalist in several competions , I'm part of the International Academy of modern Art of Rome ( A.I.A.M) and of "Die Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs (kurz BV)" of Wien. See my complete exhibition CV and others works of mine on my webs site: