Armando Renteria

Armando Renteria

Sobre el Artista

Born on January 18, 1980, in the beautiful region of Los Angeles California, Armando Renteria was months into this world when his mom decided to return to Mexico. Armando’s childhood was imbued with artistic influences from the century old town of Tijuana. At the tender age of five he would take two buses to get to school. There he studied people, buildings, cars, and the occasional rain. With the attention to detail and constant observation Armando transitioned into drawing and painting easily. At the age of seven, he was back in California. Los Angeles California was where Armando began to draw everyday. His best friend encouraged him and would push him to draw. Armando continued his school years painting original school murals, and continued into college majoring in Fine Art. In the year 2000 he enrolled in Brooks College majoring in Fine Art and Graphic Design. He received his AS degree by 2002. Armando has continued to be an original master artist painting in all mediums (oil, acrylic, pastel, markers, charcoal etc etc) and many styles (Abstract, Pointillism, Surrealism, Expressionism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Landscape, Cubism, and Pop Art) and now he’s selling his artwork on,,, and as well as on commission basis. He also has participated in multiple Chalk Festivals since 1996, the most recent one is the “Pasadena Chalk Festival” in June 2013. Visit My Store