Sobre el Artista

I am MargO, painter. My real name is Sylvaine Laurent and I was born in Paris… I always have wanted to draw, since my childhood…but life led me somewhere else. However, I decided in 2004 to attend Mr. Olivier Mérijon’s courses in Versailles (France) for 4 years. In 2009, my first personal exhibition confirms my wish to become an artist. I use oil paint and insert materials and composites. I scratch and soil the paints and colours. A compulsive need leads me to the Accident which scarred life deeply. I then hold on my subject: painting my contemporaries’ existences. Creation is always spontaneity, a way of testifying, but moreover, it is often a wish to send a message. Techniques and tools are nothing compared to feelings of Soul. Reality is matter of subjectiveness … PRIX ET HONNEURS : 2013 : Médaille d'argent Salon du Val de Cher 2013 : Lauréate du concours Royal Seyssel - Etiquette de la cuvée Amédée V 2012 : Palmes d'Or ARTOULOUSE 2011 : Révélation – Concours international de la Fédération Nationale de la Culture Française (FNCF) 2010 : Diplôme d’honneur, 22ème aigle de Nice 2006 : « Prix de la Mairie » - Salon d’art de Saint-Laurent de Lolmie