a poet of the colour

a poet of the colour

Sobre el Artista

I am born in Rome from Hungarian parents, I live and work in Milan. Autodidactic I have exposed in different personnels and collective, getting numerous meaningful prizes and valaubles consents of critical and public. From twentyseven years, in the summer period, I have exposed my pictures in an important cultural association of Alassio. In 2003 he enters to the cultural association “Arts” of Verona where I have been invited to participate at an important collective show in 2003 and in 2004 in the city of Verona. For ten years I have participated in the demonstration that develops twice a year with the painters of Street Bagutta to Milan. In 1991 I have received the qualification of “Academic Senator” from the academy Venetian Arts and Sciences for artistic motives and I hock social appointments. Its pictorial search can be defined “poetic symbolism” because Luciana Oliveri affirms, “George Bernardinelli is a person in love of the life and for the persons in love everything is symbol. “His contents remember the narrations of the ancient cantastories where every story brought the traces of the smile of God.” they have written of him: “a fabulous simplicity disegnativa in which the image assumes picturesque animations scenografiche” (Joseph Martucci)? “Bernardinelli has a lot of ideas and one “imagerie” that is able of to translate her in figurative histories “(Mario Monteverdi). “The vitality of the color and the strong brightness appear as an powerful will to react to the destiny of anonymity which the necessities of the life condemn the pains and the histories” (Luciana Oliveri)? “… he has not followed fashions, he has not been conditioned from current: he has followed only an instinct, a beautiful instinct” (Ladislao Spinetti). “… a reality of belve,angelicate, of things, of plants, of men, all ironizzata and warm, all vivaciously colored, festive I would tell the color, fiabesca in the content and in the sense” (Carlo Saggio).