Patrick Doppagne

Patrick Doppagne

Sobre el Artista

I was born in Ougrée (currently Seraing - Province of Liège - Belgium ) , August 11, 1957 . Initially influenced by the Impressionist style, my artists are then reference W. TURNER, C. PISSARO , C. and V. VAN GOGH MONET . I also appreciate P -A. RENOIR and Mr. CASSAT for the quality of their design and their colorist technique. After 18 years of figurative practice, the discovery of the works of P. Soulages , M. Rothko , O. DEBRE , J. POLLOCK , combined with my personal research of expression of emotion and imagination by light and color, led me to lyrical abstraction and expressive , although I remain fundamentally impressionistic . I thus oriented towards abstract painting in April 2010. After experimenting with various techniques inherent in the practice of acrylic paint and after carrying out the tests and research designed to reveal my personality in this field, I am able to verbalize (s) message ( s) that I have the want to convey through my production , ie , to present my art project. It is not easy to be a painter , wanting requires a commitment or a renunciation of sirens fashions and trends. The painting was beautiful to be undermined by the onslaught of new concepts , it has always reinvented itself and explore the infinite natural resources. However, our world is going through now a systemic crisis : it touches all sectors of human life. In this context , it is important that artists use all mediums available to them to best express the phenomenon and try to provide (s) solution (s) . That is why I intend to use a variety of mediums : painting, performance , light, sound installation My philosophical influences are: Kandinsky - Principle of inner necessity , Kant - Critique of Judgment (Third Review ) , Hegel - Introduction to Aesthetics . To these , I add Sigmund Freud - Theory of Instincts - Concept of Sublimation If the value of a work lies among other things by the way it fits into the history of art , the artist must be positioned in the vision of today's world and to articulate his work with our time. My Artistic project and will involve the representation by the use of different mediums, deep imbalance in the world today , due to changes in our way of life and his recovery possible by the return of the great universal values: philosophical , psychological and spiritual .