Sarah Arensi

Sarah Arensi

Sobre el Artista

Professional artist, painter by divine inspiration, actress and writer by passion, teacher by devotion and traveler by thrust of the soul. Italian by origin and citizen of the world by spirit of freedom, I grew up between Spain and Italy, via Paris, London, Berlin and New York, until I landed in the wild places of the world, in contact with Mother Nature and its wonderful creative power. My love for inner growth, expansion of the Being and spirituality has led me to meet different ways and teachers on the path of awareness and awakening. I feel art and spirit coming from the same source: that eternal space, deep silence of the Being, from which all creation is born. My works are the center, the Here and the Now, the place out of time and space where matter becomes spirit, reunifies with the One. My Artworks are suitable to harmonize inner and outer spaces because they renew souls and homes with blissful energy. Healers and Feng Shui architects use my works as helping tools in their professions. I work all over the world, and as soon as I can I just go back to create, teach and retire in Crete Senesi countryside.