Sobre el Artista

Born in Lyon, Murielle Argoud started painting with great energy from a very early age and also tried her hand at writing: an art which still fascinates her. After spending several years abroad and sixteen years in Basel (CH), she settled down with her family on the shores of Lake Geneva, although she still feels that she is just passing through. Forever searching for new inspiration, she is always keen to explore fresh horizons. She has already had over forty personal exhibitions in Europe, has created a chapel altar painting and many of her works are now in private collections and public institutions. 1973-75 Art School, Lyon, F 1975-76 Art School, Nuremberg, D 1977-80 Hans Hermann Studio, Dornach, CH Portrait study in the Wolf portrait studio, Basel 1981-83 Study of the nude in the sculptor Gerhard Wokurka's studio, Badenweiler, D Study of the icon with Egon Sendler, fresco master, Meudon, Paris 1984-87 Several study periods in Tuscany, I, including drawing and art history. since 1987 Leaving academic theory aside, Murielle Argoud works mainly outside in nature, constantly searching for new forms of expression. She has worked in Cyprus, Crete, Santorini, Andalousia, and Belle-Isle-en-mer, which has become her favourite location. After two years in Austria and a year in Germany she began to teach art from a philosophical perspective while at the same time preparing her own exhibitions. At present, Murielle Argoud lives and works mainly between Lake Geneva, the Ticino an Basel with regular breaks at Belles-Isle-en-mer.