Sobre el Artista

Artist primativista ABBA, creates bowing to a personal emotional drive confluent in immediate communication and synthetic highly effective even in the extreme smallness 'of means, beyond the' formal conventions, under the dominance of intuition, in a language archaic and primitive style simplified: in architecture, in sculpture and painting, the choice of the themes that the adoption of teccniche more 'suitable affected by these aspirations for simplicity' of the past, looking for vericita 'and renewal of artistic language, even though prevalgoo opposite positions, abstract and decidedly antimimetiche, especially in research cubist. ABBA is a coherent vision of its Super Man with giant brains and immortal that according to his interpretation will be 'the new symbiosis computer / brain, Always On a computer that sends, receives and stores all data on this unlimited memory bank molecular and pureed which is proposed in a primitive, marks the transition where urban and metropolitan through symbolic images and archaic translated and used in terms of new tribalism.