Edjane Leite

Edjane Leite

Sobre el Artista

The abstract artist Edjane leite da Silva Monteiro was born in Paulo afonso- Bahia, but she has lived for over 33 years in Aracaju- Sergipe- Brasil. Since her adolescence she's been showing interest in art as a way to express her feelings and love, through painting, sculpture and photo graphy. These factors led her to pursue other directions such as expression and freedom, the enlightened being( the well being that transmits a message of optimism), the role of women in the Brazilian society and the State of Sergipe: these are the charcteristics of her painting and abstract informal sculpture which defend free forms and lyricism and search on the pace set by the chromatic and special color. Currently she takes care of people with mental disorders in her NGO in Nossa Senhora do Socorro- Sergipe.