Susan Gainen

Susan Gainen

Sobre el Artista

Susan Gainen is a watercolor painter whose Prime Directive is to Spread Whimsy. She has taken responsibility for the historic, prehistoric, and purely whimsical wildlife of Saint Paul, Minnesota, including The Lost Cave Paintings of Saint Paul, the Wild Parrots of the Winter of 2013, the Pandas and Frogs From the Hidden Bamboo Forest of Saint Paul, the Tiny Wild Hummingbirds of Saint Paul, and others. She is in her fourth year of Image-a-day painting. She is an active member of the Northstar Watermedia Society, Minnesota Watercolor Society, Vine Arts Center, Hopkins Center for the Arts, and WARM (Women's Art Resources of Minnesota). Her works have been juried into shows in Minnesota, California, Maine, and Virginia, and she has had solo shows in Minnesota.