Aivars Kisnics

Aivars Kisnics

Sobre el Artista

I was born on 16th of November, 1955 in Madona, Latvia. Since 1956 I am living in Liepaja. My mother was a dressmaker, but father was a technitian on a ship. After the graduation of the school I did join a Maritime College in Liepaja. In 1975 I did get a profession of a Navigator. I did develop my career further into a captain of the fishing ship on 1980 and the main working area was the Baltic Sea. In 1999 I retired and worked as a captain on a pilot boat in the port of Liepaja in Latvia. I was interested in art since school time - did participate in drawing as well as photography competitions and was awarded with state-wide certificates. Painting with oil on board I did begin around 2005. Now it's up to you to judge how good my artworks are.