Sobre el Artista

Ivan Iliev, Artist, graduated in painting and graphics. Curriculum Vitae: Was born in 1951 in Burgas, Bulgaria. 1969 he moved to Sofia, studied at the Academy of Art, and after graduation worked as a freelance artist, as well as an Artistic Editor-in-Chief for several years. Since 1990 he has lived and worked with his family in Vienna, Austria. Besides painting, for many years he worked also as a computer graphics artist, realizing visualization projects, commissioned by the Austrian Academy of Sciences on the topic of Archeology Member of the “Berufsverband der Bildenden Künstler Österreichs”. His resume includes numerous groups and solo shows internationally. Among other: XIV Florence Biennale, Fortezza da Basso 14-22 2023. Feuer verzhrt Wasser erhnärt, Wien 2023. FIRENZE CONTEMPORARY 2, (A cura di rosso cinabro) 3.06 – 17.06 2023. ART Eindhoven, 4-5 February 2023. Ich see, Ich seh,… Kunsttreff Moosach, München 2022. Suche nach der verstrichenen Zeit, Galerie in Eichgraben. 2022. Opere d’arte in memoriam di Ludwig van Beethoven, Galleria ART.U’ Vicenza, A cura di Movimento Arte del XXI Secolo 2022. EuropArtFair Amsterdam 2021. Meinung & Urteil, Kunstraum Wien 2021. Palladio’s Friends, Villa Caldogno 2020. ARTBOX PROJEKT Miami 2.0 2019. ART PAPER INTERNATIONAL 2019, Galerie L’Atelier Hünibach, Switzerland, 2019 Kunstraum der Ringstraßen Galerien “Erdverbunden und-geschunden” Wien 2019. Nothing but Art, Palazzo Velli Roma 2019. Biancoscuro Art Exhibition- Contemporary Selected Artist, PAT Pavia, 2018. Tensioni Estetiche e Moti di Spirito, Arte Borgo Gallery Roma 2018. Art Nou Milleni Gallery Barcelona 2018. Artisti a Confronto-ARTime Gallery Udine 2018. Wasserwelten-der Kunstraum Gallery Wien 2017. Certificate of Recognition at CCBA Milano Art Contest 2016. Gallery All’Angolo Mendrisio Shwitzerland 2015. La Natura non e morta, Chi Art Gallery Milano 2015. Artistic Confessions Hamburg 2014. Expo Bologna 2014 Galleria Wikiarte. ……………………………………………………………………….. (Solo shows) Palais Wittgenstein. BAWAG Fondation. Mödling’s Sala Terena. Wiener Neustadt’s Stadtmuseum. Istanbul: Gallery Barkac. Wiener Neudorf’s Altes Rathaus. Gallery Prisma Vienna. Gallery Avatar Vienna. …………………………………………………………………………………. International Prize Donatello, 2023. Apollo Dionysian Rome 2022, Special Merit of the Jury in for his work “Metaphysica – the four elements”. Power of Creativity International Art Prize, CAC Magasin 2021. ‘COLLECTOR’S VISION INTERNATIONAL ART AWARD’, CAC Magazin 2021. ‘Artist of the Futur Award’, Contemporary Art Curator Magazin 2020. II Memorial TIZIANO BERTOLO Novara Italy, first place in section painting 2019. 3rd prize at “Leonardo da Vinci in Memoriam,” Savona 2019. Winner Artist at ARTPROTAONIST 2015 Villa Contarini. Winner Artist at ARTPROTAONIST 2014, Treviso. .