Subhash Cheeda

Subhash Cheeda

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Subhash Cheeda is a young and budding artist from the Punjab,North West India.The city of Ludhiana, the commercial capital of Punjab, has been his home ,and he has been leaving his lasting impressions on fertile soil of the five rivers,.in particular on the banks of river Sutlej . Pubjabis are known for their zest for life,and they know how to celebrate life and its sacred and significant moments.The festivals of the region, be it Holi, Bhiyaduj, Baisakhi -all have their distinctive color about it. The loud music of bhangra accompanied by drums and dance speak volumes about the Punjabi way of life. Turbulent history of conflicts, the bloody battles across the borders, from the time of Alexander the Great, have instilled the spirit of fighting and valour in the entire region.The India army has a significant number from Punjab who consider soldering as a great and noble profession.The green revolution of India was cradled and nurtured in by the sturdy and hardworking Punjabi farmers and they have the problem of plenty in terms of food production.The makki ki roti and sag are the distinctive dish with a Punjabi flavor. The hospitality of the Punjabi villager is characteristic and the warmth and friendliness of the Punjabi people are no secret to the those who frequent the land of five rivers.The saints of Punjab have a halo around them and they continue to inspire and motivate the native Punjabis for all humanitarian service and piety. Cheeda the artist is a chronicler of the cultural milieu of the Punjabi society.As a young and talented painter, with a magic brush in his hand ,he has, by now, made his presence felt in life in the Punjab soil. His portraits of saints and political leaders,artists and philanthropists have earned him a reputation as an excellent portrait painter.His portraits of Ambedkar the architect of the constitution of India,Edith Brown the founder of Christian Medical College Ludhiana,one of the pioneering medical institutions in the country and of Dieter Brauer (head of Voice of Germany DW), Raju Narula (Bollywood Producer) Ustad Jaswant Singh Bhanwra, Sardool Sikander and others are of great beauty and meaning. His brush has captured the essentials of all those great personalities who have inspired generations in India.His message through the paintings are both a joy and pleasure to watch.He has translated those lives for generations to come , and has preserved the legacy of the Indian ethos and the spirit of artistic creativity.One is much impressed by his intense commitment to human values and the passion for those on the margins of our society. His solidarity with those who are exploited and discriminated against make him an artist with a human face in the social milieu of Punjab. Cheeda has all the potential of a prophet of the poor and the marginalized.That part of him make him a class apart , and we will hold him very dear to our hearts in his creative endeavor. More about me: