Oksana Veber

Oksana Veber

Sobre el Artista

I was born in Barnaul in the Altaj region of Russia. I was living in the United Kingdom since 2010 having also spent several years living in the Czech Republic. I studied art at the Briansk Art College in Russia and the Kiev Academy of Fine Arts in the Ukraine. I also gained a BA in Practical Psychology from the Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management in Kiev. I am a Member of the International Association of Commercial Artists. I was drawing since the age of four and exhibiting since 1987. My paintings are in galleries and private collections in several European countries and also the USA, Australia, South Africa and Israel. My painting style has undergone a transformation over the years. My first paintings were landscapes which reflected her fascination with Daoism and other Eastern philosophies and incorporated themes such as peace and harmony. Some of my more recent works contain the same themes but through the portrayal of women in a warm and positive style. The subtle use of colours ranging from warm wood to gold and glimmering coppers gives these pictures a unique and sensual aura. For the past seven years I participated in art workshops in Croatia and Bulgaria which has enabled to pursue my love of nature and how to work in harmony with the natural world. My style continues to develop with paintings becoming more abstract over time. The use of colour, line and form demonstrates the communication and connection which exists between the figures and backgrounds in my pictures whilst at the same time conveying movement that brings each work to life. Oksana’s Statement:- “I continue to be inspired by the beauty and harmony which exists in nature and my paintings are an attempt to recreate and capture this. My earliest memories from childhood are of me sitting in a tree, overlooking a ravine, watching the first rays of the morning sun as they mix with ribbons of mist rising from the fields of tall grass before slowly fading away together. Irrespective of whether I am painting a woman’s body, a still life or a landscape I try to use lines and colours to record this feeling of harmony on a canvas. Pictures often come to me in my dreams at night – with the combination of colours and the composition so very real. When I wake I quickly sketch the images I have seen in my dreams before they disappear in the daylight.” Currently I work from my studio in South London and my website can be viewed at www.veberoksana.com