Alicia Imas

Alicia Imas

Sobre el Artista

I was born in Buenos Aires. I got my BA in Psychology in 1990. My passion for art led me to become involved with different art workshops, until I found the Essentialism Art Research workshops of HeribertoZorrilla and Helena Distéfano, a space where I can unleash my creative needs. As an artist I´m interested in: trying new techniques, stepping out of the cliché, looking for my own aesthetic, and giving myself permission to express myself. Selected works Dragon fire - Work published in the 3rd edition of "The New Collectors Book", which brings together artists from around the world, curated Tchera Niyego / January 2014 Sublimation - 2nd shared prize at Iº Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Argentina / Centro Cultural Borges - Buenos Aires, Argentina / October 2012 Walking around - Honour award / Salón Tout Petit - Buenos Aires, Argentina / August 2012 Opening ways - 2nd prize - Honour awards, tribute to Pérez Celis / XI Bienal Nacional de Artes Plásticas - Buenos Aires, Argentina / July 2012 The Ego and the Id - Honourable Mention / IVª Salón Nacional Diálogo entre la Abstracción y la Figuración - Buenos Aires, Argentina / May 2012 Artistic Education Art Research Workshop, Essentialism, Heriberto Zorrilla and Helena Distéfano. Regular student taking classes with both teachers - 2009 to 2014 Resin Modeling Workshop with artist Adrian Soto - October 2013 Mosaicism Seminar, Workshop Art in La Boca - June 2013 Basic Photografy Course, Foto Club Buenos Aires, Hipolito Hyrigoyen 834, C.A.B.A. Teacher: Oscar Vazquez - May to July 2013 Season. Conversation with the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires’s Works of art. Seminars on Colour, space and composition. Analysis of artistic and aesthetic concepts applied to Works reading. History of art from the Middle Ages to the contemporary - April – July 2013 ESEADE University Institute. Exhibition Planning and installation Course - August – November 2012 Drawing Workshop by Luz Peuzcovich. Regular student - 2007 to 2009 Drawing and Painting Workshop by Marta Zurro. Regular student - 2004 to 2007 I.P.I.M, Institute of Integral Training, Professional Decorator Degree - 1979 to 1981 Casa de Palermo, Salguero 2820, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires - Student at Decoration Workshop by Professor John Ricci - 1983 to 1985 University of Buenos Aires, FADU - Regular student - 1975 to 1976 Participation in exhibitions 2014 Gallery Liliana Rodriguez, Billinghurst 750, Capital. April 11 to May 12 Art Expo Ney York 2014 - NY - United States Pier 94 - 711 12th Ave April 4 - 6 - 2014 January 4th - Introducing the 3rd edition of "The New Collectors Book", which brings together artists from around the world, curated by Tchera Niyego, produced and edited by Basak Malone, New York City, United States 2013 From december 2012 to May 2013 - REVIENS HOTEL PINAMAR, De las Burriquetas 79 - (7167) Pinamar - Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 28 - Presentation of the " Yearbook of Argentine Art VIII with International Artists " , declared of national interest by the Office of the President , the Palace Lounge Libertador San Martin , Arenales 761, CABA- 14 to 24 November 2013 - " Essentialism , Small Format" , the archway of Posadas . Posadas 1069, between Carlos Pellegrini and Cerrito, CABA November 7, 2013 to January 7, 2014 - "Mini Art Collection 2013 ", Gallery Park , Rogelio Irurtia 6006, CABA- October 24 to November 10 - " Meeting Spots " Spring, 2013 , the archway of Posadas . Posadas 1069, between Carlos Pellegrini and Cerrito, CABA October 17 to November 15 - " A really sensed , paintings and installations " , Faculty of Law - UBA , Hall of Lost Steps . Figueroa Alcorta 2263, C.A.B.A. August 3rd – 31st 2013 - With support from the Honorable City Council of San Antonio de Areco, Group Exhibition by Edith Marchi, Bimbi Laraburru, Debora Probeh, Fernando Gastrón, Roman Griselda, Agnes Olano, Monica Medina and Silvia Hilerockz March 21st -24th - ARTE EXPO NEW YORK, stand 266, Pier 92-711 12 th Avenue, New York 10019-5399 February 1st – 28th - Ushuaia Maritime Museum. Exhibition on Esencialism. , Yaganes y Gobernador Paz 9410, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina 2012 From December 20th to March 2013 - Summer Art. Hotel Dazzler Tower San Martin, San Martin 920, C:A.B.A November 8th – 13th. - "Expoartistas 2012" Group Exhibition at the Centro Cultural Borges, CABA. From 3 to 10 October 2012 - I Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Argentina, Centro Cultural Borges, y en El Catálogo Oficial de la Muestra que será el VII Anuario de Arte Argentino / Viamonte 525, C.A.B.A, Buenos Aires, Argentina From 4 to 26 October 2012 - University of Buenos Aires - Law University - Salón de los Pasos Perdidos, Av. Figueroa Alcorta 2263, C.A.B.A. From 19 to 27 September 2012 - II Tout Petit Art Exhibition of Art, Sala I° Piso, Museo Roca 2012, Vicente López 2220, C.A.B.A From August 24 to September 7, 2012 - VI Salón Nacional Tout Petit, Jean Jaures 1414, C.A.B.A From July 27 to August 8 - XI National Visual Arts Biennial - Honour Award Tribute to Perez Celis, Galería de las Naciones, Jean Jaures 1414, C.A.B.A From May 24 to June 3 - "Meeting Spots" Fall 2012, La Recova de Posadas, Posadas 1069, CABA From 4 to 16 May - IV National Exhibition "Conversation between abstraction and figuration", Galería de las Naciones, Jean Jaures 1414, C.A.B.A 2011 From November 25 to December 6 - "Essentialism, free painting" La Recova de Posadas, Posadas 1069, CABA From 10 to 23 November - "Meeting Spot" Spring 2011, La Recova de Posadas, Posadas 1069, CABA From 1 to 29 September - "Painting for sighted and blind people", University of Buenos Aires - University of LAw - Salón de los Pasos Perdidos, Av. Figueroa Alcorta 2263, C.A.B.A 2010 From November 26 to December 5 - "La Recova de Posadas", Posadas 1069, C.A.B.A. 2009 From November 27 to December 7 - Pintaminando in "Centro Cultural Matienzo" Matienzo 2424, CABA