Deborah Zibah

Deborah Zibah

Sobre el Artista

Originally from Zimbabwe, Africa, I am an exuberant, character, filled with passion and purpose in my life and work. A committed artist, I am constantly striving for excellence in the techniques I employ to create my paintings. I experiment a great deal with non paint-like materials such as bitumen, resin, wood stain and beeswax. I much prefer working on large canvases where I can make generous, gestural marks and forms using thick wads of paint with a plastic spreader. I also enjoy the many nuances and forms generated by the use of thick areas of texture. Finding the right colour palette is very important to me and I prefer to use a very limited palette when creating large abstract paintings. Currently, I am working with industrial enamel and ink on board. The vibrant intensity of the inks are delightfully refreshing, very different from the earthy bitumen and resins I have used in the past.