BODY POLITICS (Call for Entries)

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

OCTOBER 29, 2021 Beginning with the policing of women’s bodies, and expanding to examine all forms of body policing and discrimination. ARC will host a juried exhibition in January 2022 to address these themes. Body politics shape the socio-political climate and affect basic human rights. From the #metoo movement and rape culture, to domestic violence, to gender politics, and right down to the politics of hair in the classroom and workplace, we want to hear from you with work that addresses ideas around bodily autonomy. Juror: Ginny Sykes

SOLITUDE (Call for Entries)

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

OCTOBER 07, 2020

DEADLINE - NOV 22, 2020 Juror: Danny Floyd Apply here: Solitude can elicit either a sense of euphoria or peace, or a sense of confinement or punishment, while others are isolated in a community unit. As we move forward into the fall and winter months, and COVID continues to impede our movements and interactions, how do we, as individuals, or as members of a larger, even worldwide community, process these survival confinements? As artists, we can use our medium to express the inner joy, conflict, frustration, sadness or peace we find ourselves confronting. ARC is searching for your creative endeavors as a reflection of your process under the current circumstances, keeping artists alone but pulling together into a community. The exhibition will run from Jan 8 - Feb 27, 2021.

Call for Entries: UNMASKED: Portraiture in a Pandemic

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

AUGUST 18, 2020

In this time of isolation and confinement – when we can often see only a portion of another’s face – we are creating this juried exhibition to celebrate faces – and the people behind them. We would also like to examine the ways in which people mask themselves or masquerade. Work can be representational, abstracted, likeness, current, past, psychological, emotional... All media are welcome. The show will be juried by Dr. Kryssi Staikidis, Professor of Art and Design Education at Northern University. The exhibition will run from Oct 28 thru Dec 19, 2020. . Entry fee: $40 for one to three images. $10 for each additional image High school or college students can pay a reduced fee of $25 per 3 entries. application and prospectus:


ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

JULY 27, 2020

RESPIRATION(S) NOW! ONLINE EXHIBITION JURIED BY ANGELA DAVIS FEGAN Exhibit Dates AUG 28 - SEPT 25, 2020 Deadline: Aug 4, 2020 At the crux of some of the current crises that the world is enduring right now, is breath: African-Americans are being denied the right to breathe; COVID 19 is attacking lungs; and the lungs of the planet are in need of restoration. Life on our planet is inter-connected. Divisions and exclusions will insure the continued separation of humanity. Together we live, or together we perish. Humans are the problem and the solution. Compassionate, righteous indignation, coupled with action for legislative justice is needed to shape a future that includes racial equality, universal healthcare, and planetary stewardship. $5-50 Donation.

Call for Entries REALITY & ART - a juried exhibition at ARC Gallery Sept 2- 26 2020

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

APRIL 09, 2020

Deadline for entries July 20, 2020. Reality, Realism, Representation. Art is often about searching for and expressing reality, whether literally or conceptually. We are seeking works that are representational in both the traditional sense of being compelled to express what you see and reality as a conceptual sense of using the contemporary current environment as a reference.The artist’s striving to express and understand reality becomes more complicated with this shifting appropriation of what is mere perception and what is reality. JURIED BY ARTIST Danielle Andress, Assistant Professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago --For entry form:

Call for Entries: CONSCIOUSNESS OF ABSTRACTION: Beyond Literal Appearance Juried Exhibition at ARC Gallery in Chicago

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

NOVEMBER 14, 2019

Juried by David Reif Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Univ. Wyoming . Exhibit dates MARCH 4 - 28 2020. Application deadline Jan. 26, 2020 11:59pm The terms “Abstraction” or “Abstract Art” are perhaps among the most common references describing particular way(s) of understanding and perceiving the cosmic and daily realities in which we find ourselves. This exhibition is an invitation to submit, through the qualities and implications of your work, some conscious exploration of this question. Link to Application Form:

EMERGING--a juried exhibition at ARC in Oct-Nov

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

AUGUST 18, 2019

JURIED BY ARTIST Laura Rudolph Cloud, ---Exhibit Dates Oct 30-Nov 23.2019 DEADLINE for applications Sept 20 at 11:59PM Many artists ‘begin’ their careers as artists not only in their early twenties but in later decades and for a wide variety of reasons—rediscovery of a long suppressed drive, delayed ability to focus on creating, a return to art school later in life, or a moment of enlightenment.This exhibition is calling for EMERGING artists of all ages and will feature the diversity of work that they are currently creating. All media will be considered including film/video/new media, mixed media/multi-disciplinary, installation and performance.

ARC Gallery Chicago--Frayed: Fiber Beyond Craft--Call for Entries

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

MARCH 30, 2019

Fiber works — from embroidery, stitching and sewing, to weaving and felting— have, throughout history, been relegated to the genre of craft and to ‘women’s work.’ Since the late sixties and early seventies, however, the women’s movement has broken through that pigeonhole, as many talented artists turned to Fiber as a form of expression that extended way beyond Craft. As ARC calls for work that uses Fiber as a seminal aspect of expression, we look to further “fray” the boundaries of this evocative medium. Exhibit dates: Wed. June 26, 2019 – Sat. July 20, 2019 Juror: Jade Yumang Deadline May 11 Here is the link for the application form and prospectus:


ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

DECEMBER 08, 2018

New exhibit at ARC Gallery, March 2019, juried by artist Olive Stefanski. (deadline for applications—Jan. 19th, 11:55 pm) With this exhibition, we are calling for art that addresses structural sexism—in particular, women’s emotional realities, and how that emotional reality plays out in a national atmosphere of distrust about women’s stories, women’s rationality and women’s anger. Juried by Olive Stefanski, a multidisciplinary artist working in fiber art, installation, performance and sound. For prospectus and application form: More information also at http//

OPEN WALLS SHOW at ARC and Educational Foundation, Chicago, IL: “REINVENTION II"

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

OCTOBER 14, 2018

To celebrate our move to a new location on in the West Town Arts District on Chicago Ave., we invite artists to submit small works—no more than 15 inches wide— to our open-walls exhibit REINVENTION II. THE APPLICATION FOR THIS EXHIBITION MUST BE FILLED OUT AND THE WORK DELIVERED TO THE GALLERY BY 5:00PM OCT. 27 The cost is $25.00 for each piece submitted. All works following the criteria listed will be show. Click here for the application form and prospectus:

Pride and Prejudice: Gender Realities in the 21st Century

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

MARCH 27, 2018

A Juried Exhibition at ARC Gallery, Chicago. June 20, 2018 -July 14, 2018 Applications deadline: May 13, 2018 Please visit the ARC Gallery website for full prospectus. Work for this exhibition will be juried by Oli Rodriguez, an interdisciplinary artist who teaches photography at the School of the Art Institute. Submissions may include two or three-dimensional pieces as well as video, spoken word, or performance pieces.

Not Just Drawing: A Line With Intent

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

DECEMBER 19, 2017

A Juried Exhibition at ARC Gallery, Chicago. FEB 28, 2018 -MARCH 24, 2018 Juror David Reif Deadline for Applications: Jan 31, 2018 Link to prospectus and application form -- What is intent? What is the underlying driving purpose or “thought-framework” for making a mark or image on a surface or in a space? Are there other ways to make a line than with a #2 pencil? We are interested the play between the thoughtful (making a conscious choice) and thoughtless (emotional or responsive choice) making of the line or mark while celebrating the resulting conversation in the creation of work. All mediums and materials are eligible including video and performance for submission. Due to space limitations no projections or media-based installations will be accepted.


ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

OCTOBER 03, 2017

FOR MORE INFO GO TO Expanding on the extraordinary response to our first “It Figures” juried show in 2016, ARC Gallery will re-visit this subject for an open-walls show this December. This new (part 2) show seeks 1) to expand the call to include more broadly defined figuration--not necessarily confined just to the human body, and 2) to open the gallery to all artists/submissions. The work accepted is limited in diameter to 24 inches. All work meeting the size and broad subject matter criteria will be hung in the exhibition. INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND ON THE ARC WEBSITE

Call for Entries for "SHOUT" July 2017 at ARC Gallery, Chicago

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

MARCH 19, 2017

Call for entries for the exhibit “SHOUT!’ at ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation in Chicago in late July 2017 Prospectus: ARC is looking for visual artists (2-D, sculptural, video or performance) who wish to join a chorus of passionate voices speaking out on current issues which affect them directly or about which they have a particular opinion. This call for entries will be juried by performance artist, educator and scholar PATRICIA NGUYEN who has performed at the NHA SAN collective in Vietnam, the Mission Cultural Center in San Francisco, Links Hall, Oberlin College, Northwestern University, University of Massachusetts Boston, Prague Quadrennial, and Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Chile.

Call for Artists: Seeing RED, an open-walls, non-juried exhibition at ARC Gallery in February 2017

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

DECEMBER 06, 2016

“Seeing RED” will be an Open Walls Exhibition. ARC is asking artists to reflect on what “Seeing RED” might look like, what it might reference metaphorically, emotionally, politically, or literally. We’re seeking work that challenges the status quo or obvious, while asking the artists to have fun playing with this very broad title. All mediums and materials are eligible if they conform to the size limitations. The art-work must be no more than 18 inches wide, (including a possible frame). Media-based installations will be accepted as long as the artist provides the viewing equipment, and the horizontal size of this equipment is no more than 18 inches. $40. for each piece exhibited. ($25. for currently enrolled students) entry form

Call for Artists HOME; An Exhibition ARC Gallery & Educational Foundation

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

AUGUST 07, 2016

This juried exhibition investigates how home is perceived in a variety of contemporary contexts. Homelessness, routine eviction, migrant work, and the refugee crisis all affect our understanding of home. This exhibition seeks to explore the concept of home in light of these current international and domestic contexts. What does the concept of home mean for the individual and community? This investigation includes, but is not limited to, artistic inquiries of social and cultural identity, economic and political status, gender identity , and ethnic and/or religious heritage. Go to

Call for Entries: We the People...

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

MAY 24, 2016

As part of the important conversations swirling around this election year, ARC is looking for work that critically explores and dissects the current election season and the wider impact government has on our lives. In a democracy, everyone's voice matters. So if you apply, you are automatically included in this exhibition. Please view the prospectus for size and other restrictions. Exhibition: July 20, 2016 – August 13, 2016 Submission deadline: July 2, 2016. Delivery or shipment: July 13, 2016 – July 16, 2016, gallery hours 12pm-6pm Eligibility is international. No projections or media installations will be accepted for this show. $25 for each image/No limit on images. Prospectus: Gallery website:

Exhibition Opportunity

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

MARCH 07, 2016

It Figures: The Body in Art Call for Entries This exhibition is a contemporary examination of the human figure, historically a major focus of artists. All societies have created their own concepts for how to portray the human body. ARC looks to examine contemporary society’s and artists’ views of the human body in all of its manifestations. All mediums and materials are eligible, no media based installations or projections. International eligibility. The juror is Dan Addington of Addington Gallery, Chicago. Submission Deadline: May 6, 2016 midnight Exhibition Dates: June 22, 2016 – July 16, 2016 Prospectus ARC Gallery website

Exhibition Opportunity - A Touch of the Blues

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

NOVEMBER 03, 2015

This exhibition is an exploration of this extraordinary color and its seemingly limitless breadth of expression. All mediums and materials are eligible including 2-D, 3-D, mixed-media, and video. Three monetary awards will be given out for this exhibition: Best in Show and two honorable mentions. Juror: Sarah Krepp Submission Deadline: December 26, 2015 at 11:59pm Work Delivered to ARC: January 27, 28, 29, and 30 2016, 12-6pm only (gallery hours) Exhibition Dates: February 3, 2016 – February 27, 2016 Opening Reception: February 5, 2016, 6pm - 9pm. $40 for one to three images. $10 for each additional image. Prospectus: at Website:

I Can't Breathe

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

AUGUST 20, 2015

Call for Entries "I CAN'T BREATHE" Videos have recently appeared showing shocking violence by police against unarmed citizens, forcing all of us to address our ignorance and denial, as well as to ask about the nature of institutionalized racism. ARC wants to begin a conversation about these events. ARC is looking for work that evokes what it feels like to find oneself targeted, in a suffocating space, or unheard, including work that addresses how one might imagine that grip to be loosened, or what it might look like to begin to listen. PROSPECTUS Submission: October 10, 2015 11:59 PM Announcement: October 24, 2015 Delivery: November 18-21, 2015 12-6pm Exhibition: November 25, 2015 – December 19, 2015 JURORS Romi Crawford and Mary Patten

Call for entries - The Base Line: An Exhibition of Drawing

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

MARCH 14, 2015

This exhibition is an exploration and celebration of drawing. No digital elements are allowed. Juror: Aron Packer Exhibition dates: June 24, 2015 – July 18, 2015 Deadline for Submission: May 8, 2015 Notification: May 30, 2015 Delivery: June 17-20, 2015 between 12-6pm only (gallery hours) Opening Reception: June 26, 2015 6-9 pm Pick-Up: July 18, 2015 4:30-8pm and July 19, 2015 12-4pm Shipped Work: Pre-Paid FedEx or UPS is required. Return Date: July 23, 2015 12-6pm Prospectus:

Call for Entries - You Lookin' at Me?

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

JANUARY 29, 2015

The Open Walls Exhibition at ARC Gallery, Chicago Non-Juried Exhibition 4/1-4/25, 2015 Open Call to artists to submit artwork that fits the theme of an examination of the self. All work meeting exhibition guidelines will be exhibited. This exhibition will celebrate what we honor and admire and/or what we fear and disdain about ourselves. We are seeking images that deal with these issues. Work must be no wider than 14", height up to 7' There is a $40. hanging fee for each work. Submission Deadline: March 25, 2015 Submit through the prospectus:

Call for Submissions - Solo, Group and Curated Shows

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

APRIL 21, 2014

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation is a non-profit, woman-run cooperative gallery dedicated since 1973 to providing alternative space exhibition opportunities for innovative artists outside the commercial gallery system. ARC Gallery’s Exhibitions Committee reviews all media including video, film, installation and performance. We subsidize half of each exhibition space. Please find out more about us through our website at The prospectus, application and floor plan of our gallery is at

Call for Submissions - Heroes and Villains

ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

APRIL 21, 2014

A non-juried, open-walls, digital-printout exhibition. All work meeting criteria accepted. Deadline Jun 8, show Jun 25–Jul 19. The exhibition celebrates who/what we honor or admire and/or who/what we fear or disdain. We seek to present characters giving a view into our polarized consciousness about heroes and villains - and how you imagine yourself in that world of characters. Images in jpg format only, in any media that can be submitted in digital format. $15.00 entry fee per image. See prospectus at ARC Gallery will print images out in a 9x12 format on 11x14 paper. Printed-out images will fill one exhibition space. Be sure your image can be printed 9x12 without getting cropped.