Elisabeth Rass

Elisabeth Rass

Sobre el Artista

2015 - VERNICE ART FAIR, Forli, Italien 2014 - LACDA, Los Angeles, CA, USA 2014 - MIAMI RIVER ART FAIR 2014, Miami, USA 2014 - “YICCA 2014? A.p.s. Moho Association, Italien 2014 - TAZA BIENNIAL, Taza, Marokko 2014 – International Biennale Artist Miami 2014, USA 2014 – Galerie am Stubentor, Vienna, Austria 2013 - Schweizer Kunstraum, Lausanne/Switzerland 2013 - Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, Rovereto, Trento/Italia 2013 - Kleine Galerie der Stadt Bozen, Bolzano/Italia 2013 - Galerie am Stubentor, Vienna/Austria 2012 - SCOPE Miami 2012, USA 2012 – Galerie Jüttner, Vienna/Austria 2012 - ART TAKES TIMES SQUARE, New York/USA 2011 - Headquarter Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Roma/Italy 2011 - Concilio Europeo dell’Arte, Forte Marghera, Venezia/Italy 2011 - Stadtmuseum Graz/Austria 2011 – Galerie Krueger Dossier, Salzburg/Austria 2010 - Competition „Contemplating the Void” Guggenheim Museum New York/USA MEMBERSHIP Member of Concilio Europeo dell'Arte Founder of the Association BIENNALE AUSTRIA PUBLIC COLLECTIONS Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, Rovereto, Italy University of Graz, Section Moral and Political Philosophy, Austria Fondazione Bosco dei Poeti, Italy PUBLICATIONS (selection) 2014 – Catalogue “INTERNATIONAL BIENNALE ARTIST 2014 MIAMI” 2014 – Catalogue “BEHIND THE DREAMS” 2013 – Universität Graz, Section Moral and Political Philosophy 2013 – SWISSPHOTO 2013, Swiss Art Space, Lausanne, 2013 – Catalogue „STADT/MENSCHEN – MENSCHEN/STADT“, Kleine Galerie der Stadt Bozen 2012 – ART TAKES MIAMI – SCOPE MIAMI 2012 2012 – Catalogue “NAHAUFNAHME/CLOSE UP” – BIENNALE AUSTRIA 2011 – Publication “Wem Gehört die Zeit? Ein Sommer in Graz” – Exhibition “Mach Dir ein Bild von der Zeit” - Grazer Stadtmuseum, Austria 2011 – Catalogue „Kulturschock – Le choc des cultures – culture shock“, KRUEGER DOSSIER, Salzburg, Austria. CONTACT office@elisabethrass.com www.elisabethrass.com