Yves Marcellin

Yves Marcellin

Sobre el Artista

Yves Marcellin, agitator of emotions. For Yves Marcellin, Artist-Photographer, visual portaitist, the use of large formats contributes to the disturbing effect of the distinguishable or indistinguishable movement he imparts to the faces and bodies of his subjects: actors, dancers, models, men or women, famous or anonymous. The portraits of Yves Marcellin shock the viewer with the transforming distinguishable or indistinguishable movement he imposes upon them. They are the work of an explosive photographer, blasting and agitating emotions. His photographic artworks provokes the senses as well as the mind in showing the human soul by turn sad, suffering, angry, fierce, hateful, or joyous, euphoric, in love, playful, or peaceful. The technique of distinguishable or indistinguishable movement he has developed and used in these portraits enables him to erase or accentuate the emotions, behaviors, expressions, attitudes, postures, gestures or the stigma of his subjects. By turn illusory, imaginary, dreamlike, realistic, or natural but always insolite, the photographic works of Yves Marcellin attract as well as disturb. Dance in Trance is a photographic series in which Marcellin invites the spectator to observe the dancer entering into trance, "a modified state of consciousness involving primarily an experience of division, a sense of splitting or multiplication of the personality". Yves Marcellin shows us this profound modification of the physical being, actually transforming the dancer into an envelope which appears, as it moves, to change form from vaporous, to multiple, to jumping, blurry, hallucinatory, peaceful, colorful, monstrous, or cadaveresque. "Dance in Trance" reveals the spectacle of dancers possessed, whose animated bodies are controlled by unknown inhabitants. There is also the series "Remembrances" which represents an important step in Yves Marcellin's work. It's an invitation to serenity and self-discovery that Yves Marcellin proposes in this extraordinary exposition, a series of portraits consecrated to the five remembrances of Buddha. Through the medium of these images, Marcellin reflects on five inescapable elements in the life of every human being: age, sickness, death, separation, and the consequences of our actions. "Remembrances " is an opportunity for him to take a spiritual and artistic step in a life rich with experiences, both happy and unhappy. It is also the affirmation of his engaged commitment to photography as a vector of his life philosophy. This profound photographic series is a veritable aid to the acceptance of the inevitable fundamental five elements of life. On his website you can discover the full diversity of this original artist's work, and experience his talent as a true "agitator of emotions". Exhibitions Exhibitions and Public Auction (Pierre Cornette de Saint- Cyr, Auctioneer) , "LAUGHTER" , 8 photos of celebrity - June, July and August 2011 at Restaurant L'Esplanade in Paris (Public Auction) and at Hotel L'Ermitage in Saint-Tropez (Exhibition and Sale) for the exclusive benefit of IGR - Institute Gustave Roussy, Europe's leading center Institute for the fight against cancer. Exhibition "REMEMBRANCES" at Kiron Gallery 6 to 12 June 2012 . Exhibition "EXPLOSIONS" in Ramatuelle from July 16 to September 16, 2012 at Mistral, 5, rue Victor Leon. Exhibition "EXPLOSIONS" and "MAN IS A TREE" at ARTMONTI Gallery, 10/12, rue Budé, 75004 Paris from 3 to 15 November 2012. Exhibition "DANCE IN TRANCE" at the Mistral in Ramatuelle, 5, rue Victor Léon from 1 May to 30 September 2013. Exhibition "WOMEN, I LOVE YOU" at Cabane Bambou in Ramatuelle from 1 June to 30 September 2013. Exhibition "PORTRAITS" at ARTMONTI Gallery, 10/12, rue Budé, 75004 Paris from 16 to 30 November 2013. Upcoming Exhibitions Exhibition "PORTRAITS" at Mistral in Ramatuelle, 5, rue Victor Leon, from 31 March to 30 October 2014.