Sobre el Artista

Roberto Del Fabbro was born in Udine (Friuli) Italy on August 13th, 1954. Presently lives in Rome and Amelia (Umbria) in a small house surrounded by nature where he creates his paintings. Nature has always fascinated him. Even as a child he had a deep love for nature and growing up in Udine he was close to both the sea and to the mountains, where 2 months every year he would spend his summer vacation with his parents. In elementary school, he drew large flowers and trees on his math notebook. He loves traveling and discovering the world and its natural wonders in all its expressions. Lives a few years in Venice, the cradle of art, where he obtains a degree in architecture. Develops a passion for photography, always looking for new shots and situations, and in this moment of his life, Venice is an ideal location. Lives and works for a few years on the island of Crete (Greece) where he gets to know the local artists and assimilates from them the love of the sea and all its surroundings. Lives and works one year in Praslin, an island of the Seychelles, where the uncontaminated nature holds you in her embrace, dazzles, overpowers and makes you realize how nature is superior in every way to man. The death of his father, who during his long illness always asked to open the window so that he could look at the trees and say: «How beautiful is the world!», made him understand that man is an integral part of nature. Nature instills in him the strength and inspiration to share his past experiences with others through his work. He hopes that in this way others will feel the sensations that only nature can give, without which he cannot live.When I paint I draw from the imaginary. I travel beyond logic and knowledge and create worlds that are beneath the oceans and above them, on solid ground and in the air, in the universe. Just like the leaves in the wind or in the air, in the water or above it. I see the world as a leaf. I become a leaf, a branch, a tree. I see the world as they see it, I see what they see in men and, especially, the men that love them. Over time I have developed a special bond with nature. I love her deeply and, in turn, she helps me paint, allows me to use her leaves, which become the instruments through which I create my paintings. It is as if nature painted and expressed herself through me and my art. Nature is part of me and of my paintings. When I finish a painting I think that it is a way of materializing the essence of the leaves and diffusing this essence to those who have never felt the wonderful sensations that nature can offer. I firmly believe that nature communicates with man through plants and I try to paint these messages, amplify them and disseminate them in the world.