Fernando Audiffred

Fernando Audiffred

Sobre el Artista

Fernando Audiffred was born in Oaxaca, Mexico in 1957. He studied painting under the restorer Primitivo Garcia and the artist painter Leon Zurita. He has a Civil Engineering degree and a Master’s degree in Architecture and Restoration. He has been active in the Oaxaca art scene since the 70’s. Even his painting “The Feather Dancer” was selected like representative image of 450’s Anniversary of Oaxaca City Foundation in 1982. He cofounded the Garden of Art in Oaxaca with other artist painters supported by Rufino Tamayo. In 1995 he moved to Mexico City, where he has been deepening his knowledge about aesthetics and cubism-abstract language by himself, especially Picasso and Kandinsky works. He also has written some articles like ”Art of Enjoy the Art”, “Looking for the Magnificent in the Art” and “The Art-Science in the 21st Century” in different magazines like The Billionaire magazine and the digital News Letter of AXTEL. His work has been exhibited in solo and collective shows, in galleries and museums like The Santo Domingo Museum in Oaxaca, Palacio de Gobierno in Oaxaca, Casa del Poeta in Mexico, Misrachi Gallery, Mexico; Nikko Hotel, Mexico; Israelite Sport Centre, Mexico, among others. His own visual language is based on different kinds of structures enriched with colours, textures and shapes by using tones and semitones. Cultural and historical experiences and his French Mexican roots have impacted in his painting. Starting of it, he has focused in rational-intuitive solutions, looking for evolving to the future. His work reflects the pure personal style of Fernando Audiffred, each drawing is a singular achievement of intuitive sensibility into a imaginative material world. Now he is living a part of the year in Oaxaca where he is working at his own studio and art gallery.