Michael Chatman

Michael Chatman

Sobre el Artista

Artist Bio Michael Chatman, is an expressionistic painter and digital artist who resides in Orlando. An art enthusiast from childhood, Michael spent hours as a child drawing figures from magazines. After high school, Michael entered college where he minored in Fine Arts, later getting a degree in Sociology. After many government jobs, Michael decided he wanted to pursue a career in Art, but wanted to specialize in one area of Art. He entered Valencia Community College where he studied Graphic Design, later obtaining a degree in 2002. He interned for three months at WKMG-TV in Orlando and since 2004, Michael has been avidly practicing painting in many genre: landscape, portraits, figurative art as well as digital art. He has won awards of Honorable Mention and an Award of Excellence in juried competitions. In 2008, he was awarded a Professional Development grant by United Arts of Central Florida. Artist Statement: As an expressionistic painter, I seek to portray scenes and images that are memorable to the mind. I do this by first drawing and then suddenly illustrating subjects that are memorable to me on various substrates and in various mediums. By using a technique I call “ transfusion” I take a drawing and transform it into a memorable painting. Many viewers of my Art have complimented on my use of colors. My motto is “Art that pleases the senses”. For more information call 407-421-8542 e-mail mchatman2@cfl.rr.com.