Carmen Gloria Machuca

Carmen Gloria Machuca

Sobre el Artista

Born in Talcahuano, Chile in 1971. STUDIES 1986-1987. Intermediate Painting Workshop, Artists of Steel Academy. Concepción, Chile. 1993-1994. Painting Workshop, Talcahuano County Government, Chile. 1989 - 1990 . 1991 Workshops on Watercolor, Drawing, Portrait. Art Academy, University of Concepción, Chile. 2000 Workshop on Serigraphy. Art Academy, University of Concepción, Chile. 1999-2001.Publicity and Graphic. DUOC-UC Institute, Chile. 2005. Specialization Graduate in Art and Graphic. University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. EXHIBITIONS 1987. Collective Exhibition. Of Artists of Steel Academy. Multi-salon of the Concepción County Government, Chile. 1994. Collective Exhibition. Talcahuano County Government Hall, Chile. 1995. Permanent Exhibition of Oils, Acrylics, Pastel and Watercolors. Montecatini Gallery, Concepción, Chile. 1997. Exhibition of "Three Young Artists of the Eighth Region" Montecatini Gallery, Concepción, Chile. 1998. Sixth MultiFair of Arts. University of Bio Bio. Concepcion , Chile. 1999. Collective Exhibition "Mystic of Our Roots" Montecatini Gallery. Concepciòn, Chile. 2000. Participation in the Calendar of ENAGAS "Historical Moments" with the work "Global Village "Chile. 2001. Collective Exhibition "45 x 45" Montecatini Gallery. Concepcion,Chile. 2003. " The Strength of Color" Bipersonal Exhibition Montecatini Gallery Concepción. Chile. 2004. “ Small Sizes” Collective exhibition, 2004. " B - Sides” Individual Exhibition ,Ilustrations on Canvas. Alive Library .Concepcion.Chile. 2005. " Dancers " Bipersonal Exhibition . 2005. " Paintings" Ehibition TV Program " Tolerance Zero " Chilevisión Chanell. Santiago, Chile. 2005. “ Square meter” Collective Exhibition. 2006. “ Balloons”, Collective show , 2006. “ I Inspire Myself….then I Paint”, Collective exhibition, 2007. " The Interior space" , Individual show , 2008 Painting Exhibition, State of the Arts Gallery, Hong Kong, China. 2009 “Contemporary Chilean Painting”, Imagen Gallery, Panamá. 2009 “Contemporary Chilean Painting”, Artseni Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2011 " Coloured Abstraction " Painting Exhibition 10 Apr -15 May State of the Arts Gallery, Hong Kong 2014 “Solo Eshibit” , art Gallery, Santiago, Chile. 2016 ALBUM, individual exhibit, art Gallery, Santiago, Chile. Others : Ilustrator of books and educative material for the University of the BioBio, Concepción, Chile .