Courtney Miller Bellairs

Courtney Miller Bellairs

Sobre el Artista

'Courtney Miller Bellairs’ pictures speak eloquently of absence: signs of departed figures, empty streets, shadows of unseen trees, and blank squares. Her art is formally sophisticated and yet reductive: primary colors, basic shapes, even “ABC”s are the “building blocks” of pictures that are organized into grids. They are always structurally sound; Courtney is a graduate of the Yale School of Architecture, so it should come as no surprise that her paintings are so well-built. But despite their timeless order, rigorous geometry, and Hopperesque silence, her pictures are never austere or static: they are activated by subtle imbalances, shifting reflections, dialectical relationships between edifices, and the rhythmic interplay of masses and voids; and, in her recent, conceptual work, by the ripple of the hand-sewn fabrics.' Victor G. Katz, Professor and Art Historian ‘I like to encourage the viewer ‘to see’ the work as a starting point for their own experiences and understanding… to imagine something much greater or to find something extraordinary in the ordinary.’ Courtney Miller Bellairs